simply put it i cant find any program that can Overclock this processor for me...and bios isnt fully unlocked.
intel pentium quad core n3540 at 2.16ghz it says it can be OC to 2.66ghz
even the intel oc tool doesnt support it for some reason
any ideas i can try?
It could be simply that ACER won't support overclocking with that model Notebook/Laptop. That's a limitation one has to live with when support for doing what it was not designed for is lacking. There's several things involved with overclocking and any one or two of them, when improperly used, can result in a useless machine. I know you didn't want to here that but may have to accept it or shop for and buy a better make/model. Desktops are usually easier to overclock as one can improve on things like faster memory and better cooling.
I see, its fine i have a thing for taking everything to its best lol, even like outdated pcs but thanks for reply just didnt think that since on the laptop sticker tells me it can be OC'ed
Laptops aren't made to be Overclocked Bro you are looking at frying your Lappy to gain zero in the grand scheme of things
Unless you have water cooling going through that Laptop you shouldn't even consider this
Haha yeah im aware.
2.66Ghz is the Burst frequency (ie core boost on high load) not an OC.
To keep it simple; the true speed of the CPU is the lowest speed advertised (2.16). The CPU will automatically burst up to 2.66GHz to maintain a smooth performance on demanding software (mostly games), as long as CPU heat and power are within spec. It gives the ability of a low end CPU to maintain a smooth performance level on demanding software. The CPU itself detects when the demand is needed and will kick it in. Again, it only lasts a few seconds and you will not really notice it when it does.
As has already been stated here, overclocking a laptop is pretty much suicide. They tend to run very hot under normal circumstances. In addition to that, Acer has locked down the BIOS so you don't have access to the adjustments needed to overclock it. So, the answer is you shouldn't and you can't.
Oh my man thats all i needed to know xD ty