So there was one for 7 but is there one for 10? I googled it but came up with nothing.
Startisback++ is capable of doing that
ClassicShell can do this, as well as offering a ton of customizability to the start menu. Great program over all.
I second that
Classic shell is free and great customize options to suit your needs
Yeah I used ClassicShell last night and I was able to change the start button but it did some other things I didn't want. It changed the way the start menu looks and I think it may have changed the windows explorer layout? I can't figure out how to only have my button changed.
Look at Classic Start Menu settings. You can change that so when pressing the Win button or click on the start button you see the original Windows 10 start menu instead of the Windows 7 style. See picture below:
To see the Windows 10 menu select Windows start menu for "Left click opens" and "Windows key opens". If you cannot find these settings, check the Show all settings box to show all tabs.
Similarly, open an explorer window, such as This PC and click on the shell icon to open Classic Explorer settings. Check the Show all settings box to show all tabs and go to Toolbar buttons tab where you can add/remove buttons. If you don't want them at all, close the settings and right-click next to the buttons, then click on Classic Explorer Bar and reply yes when asked to disable it. The same goes for Internet Explorer. Right click on the top of the window and click Classic Explorer bar. Reply yes when asked to disable it. This way you can use Classic Shell to only change the start button (and miss all the rest nice features).
I use ClassicShell. It's simple & straight forward to use.
Thank you, I've been trying to figure this out for a while.
I use Start 10
I have set mine to this one, but there are 100's to choose from
Start10: Software from Stardock Corporation
Add me in for Classic Shell - by far the best for me, and I've tried several, such as StartIsBack, Stardock Start 10, and others.