I have searched for hours trying to find out how to change the color of the user login screen. Mine is the ugliest color. None of the information I found on Windows 8 will work on Windows 10. There is another post regarding this on this site but I am unable to open its answer for some reason. Says I don't have permission. If anyone knows the answer I would really appreciate it.
this should work Lock Screen Customizer for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 , it says lock screen , but it customizes the login screen
Joe thank you for your answer but this utility will not work in Windows 10. Says there is a necessary file missing.
I can't believe there is no way to make such a simple change. I can only hope the final build of Windows 10 will give the user more control.
Hmm maybe it is just a bug with the technical preview. i hope it works in windows 10
I found this somewhere on the web, forgot where but:
To change the BackGround Color of the "log-in" screen:
You can force a specific color combination using Group Policy.
Open the Command Promp as administrator
Run gpedit.msc as admin. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization
double-click on AND Enable "Force a specific background and accent color" and type in the colors in hex#
Thanks for the reply David, but that won't work in Windows 10 either.
All you have to do is open up a wallpaper of your choice in Photos and click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner(...) and choose set as logon screen or whatever it is called.
That would be for the "lock" screen instead. The "sign-in" screen would be different.
I'm not sure how to change the color of the sign-in screen without unwanted side effects yet though.
Hi there
If people absolutely want to change the colour of the Sign in Screen it IS possible but in a hideous long winded way.
Revert back to an EARLIER build - change to the colour of your choice and then do an UPDATE install to build 10041 !!!.
So there must be SOME configuration somewhere that keeps the settings !!!!
I like the old GREY sign in screen I had previously --note not the LOCK screen. I don't like the blue one that seems standard on a clean install.
In a VM doing an update install doesn't take too long !!
Maybe I can help. I have UltraSearch on my PC and can find just about anything since it uses the MFT.
What kind of file type or name should I search for? I've tried signin login color, but it's usually for apps or internet.