
No jpg file association ?

I double clicked on xxx.jpg and LibreOffice opened. I wanted to change the program to IrfanView. I went in through Start > search > associations.

How could they screw that up ?

Screw up what? When I open the Control Panel (view: small icons) -> Default Programs -> Associate a file type or protocol with a program I can easily select all the well-known file extensions, including jpg or jpeg.

It is under Default Programs, but not File Associations where it was since XP.

Vista and 7 also have it there. I am writing from Win7 Enterprise right now and checked against my Win10 laptop next to me.

MS must not keep programmers that worked on previous version. So far that is the only "major ??" thing for me.

LibreOffice grabbed the file extension when you installed that program, it is not a MS issue. That association just carried over when you upgraded to Win10.

.jpg is one of the file types assigned to Photos app by default. I use GIMP and had to manually assign .jpg to GIMP, just as you did for IrfanView.

I had that issue with my MP3's but a simple right click on an MP3, then Open With, then Choose another app and picked the program I wanted it to open with and checked off Always use this app...

I had another program set and not LibreOffice. It is an MS issue.

I had another program set and not LibreOffice. It is an MS issue.
Ok, it's impossible to troubleshoot with such little information. All I knew was I double clicked on xxx.jpg and LibreOffice opened. I wanted to change the program to IrfanView.Now you say you had another program set, but don't mention what the program was.

Trouble shooting technical issues is not best resolved by a guessing game, so I guess I don't know enough to offer more help.

Your best bet is to provide feedback to Microsoft, if it is their issue, they'll fix it.

MS decided to include the Windows Feedbackapp in the production release of Windows 10.

Look for the Feedback app either on Start or in the Start menu list.

I just got a survey from MS. Too old to tell them what I really think, but mentioned the file association and task bar color. I have had replies about the task bar and they were wrong. One guy doesn't even have 10 installed. Win 10 does not have the additional screen to change 3 settings like 8 did.

No jpg file association ?