
Windows 10, Folders and files gone by itself?

Hello, i don't know how to happened.

I noticed my menu bar icons started showing a different icon (the default windows program icon) for some reason and Internet sites html started messing up too, so i decided to reboot my computer.

Now my background is gone, it's just black. And all my folders and programs are gone. There's just one folder left on my desktop and all of them are empty.

My downloads folder is also empty, there's just one folder left and its empty.

I can provide images if needed.

I think I know what your problem is but to verify please put some pics of your desktop

I think I know what your problem is but to verify please put some pics of your desktop
-Every folder is empty.
-Every program/game is gone.

Thanks for the pic
Go to File Explorer > This PC > Local Disk > Users > Right click on your user folder and click Properties then the Security tab
then under "Group or user names:" select your account click Edit and then select your account again then select every check box to "Allow"
Click Apply.
then restart the computer.
This may or may not work let me know

Hello. I did all the steps but when i rebooted it wont get past troubleshoot windows 10 its broken. I cant go in safe mode either. Im using my other device to post.

Ok not good is your other PC running Windows 10?
if so then make a Repair flash drive with the windows recovery option in control panel and
boot the broken PC to it and see if you can do a system restore to before this problem started.

If you don't have another PC with Windows 10 then we can try additional steps

Hi. I dont have another computer with windows 10. Im interested in finding out what happened this has never happened on my computer before.

Don't fell bad it happened to me serval times in windows 8.
What happens is if the permissions for you to access your account get disabled then what happened to you will happen and has happened to me.
now since you cant boot your PC something else happened possibly and we will try to fix this

So I am going to check with a Mod here and see if I can find a way to give you some files
however into I get the ok with a mod or admin I cant do anything

however what kind of PC do you have? Make And Model and do you have recovery media of any kind?

Ok so I got ok from the Admin but it wont work so

Lets try this
Can you access system recovery?

I just checked and i am not able to. Maybe i have to go back to windows 7 if this gets fixed.

Windows 10, Folders and files gone by itself?