
Several System Settings not opening/stuck

Hey guys.

I've just clean-installed windows 10 here, then updated everything possible. Now when I try to open the following system settings, nothing happens:

Apps & Features
Offline maps

Windows is digitally activated and scannow found no errors.

I've seen no one at all with similar problem, except that "settings wont open" issue which has been fixed.


I have the same 3 things not opening! I really hope they put out an update to fix this! Maybe someone knows a fix?

I did a system reset and it was workin alright. As soon as I installed bootcamp drivers, the issue manifested again.

So Ive narrow ot down to bootcamp drivers but not sure if its one in specific or even if it's linked to apple exclusevely...Maybe drivers from other manufacturers cause the same problem too.

Unfortunately I dont have the time to install one by one to verify my allegations.

They were working when I first clean installed windows 10. I installed the big update the other day and thats when I noticed them not working. I don't have any bootcamp and don't know what that is? Could you tell me any software or anything I might have that would be causing this?

I need to get into storage settings to change the location where windows 10 store apps are downloaded.

Oh really? So it's not bootcamp then, it's the threshold update. Good to know. I thought it was bootcamp because I didnt realize when I refreshed the drive it rolled-back the threshold update...

I think we need to wait for the experts to chime in. Since the update is very new, I guess more people will start complaining about it!

If possible, you can refresh yours as well and then block the big update from installing. At least until they find a fix.

Yeah. Thats good news. A little worried that no one has replied with the same problem and I don't see any other talk about it on google.. Hope it gets fixed soon, I'm not going to revert that update, it might break everything, and I think that update is what adds the ability to change location of store apps. lol

Yeah. Thats good news. A little worried that no one has replied with the same problem and I don't see any other talk about it on google.. Hope it gets fixed soon, I'm not going to revert that update, it might break everything, and I think that update is what adds the ability to change location of store apps. lol
Do you have a notebook or a desktop?

I think it's some sort of incompatibility between Threshold 2 and a driver.

I installed a fresh copy of windows 10 and then drivers. Alll good. Installed Trehshold 2. Bad.
Did a system refresh which preserved Threhsold 2. All good BEFORE installing the drivers. Installed drivers. Bad.

For now I've just set windows to defer Threshold 2 for as long as possible and will wait until they come up with a fix.

Drivers for what? I have a gaming desktop. AMD/Nvidia.

EDIT: Which drivers did you install when it went bad?

That's exactly the problem. I have a macbook pro running windows through bootcamp. So all I get to do is install a package of drivers made by apple. I can't tell for sure which one it is.

I think it will be easier to troubleshoot that in your side. Do you have many drivers installed?

Local account or Microsoft ID login? Did you by chance turn UAC off? Did you verify your identity? Settings > Accounts > Your e-mail and accounts > Verify your identity on this PC. If you have that option will not be visible.

Several System Settings not opening/stuck