
Any Graphic designers on here that would be kind enough to help me?

Hi Guys when I was a member of the 7 blog one of our very kind members was kind enough to make me a signature graphic I have since lost that but it has no real use now anyway.

I was wondering if there is anybody that has the free time and talent to possibly make me a new one that it maybe a little more modern and exciting using a sort of DJ theme not specifically from the supplied graphic from the picture I have added with the same wording?

Many thanks in advance

DJ Steve

This is something i just threw together quickly. If you have a different image or text font wording ect i can change it just let me know.

Change image size to 700x100

Metro version of it.


Thanks Man, that's really cool, but I was thinking more along the line of something not with turntables as I use all electronic gear now, this is what I use at the moment see picture can you do any magic with that at all ?

Many thanks

DJ Steve

This is something i just threw together quickly. If you have a different image or text font wording ect i can change it just let me know.

Change image size to 700x100

HA Ha thanks but not really what I had in mind

DJ Steve

Metro version of it.

I'll take a stab - how 'bout this?

or this modification

Here's a quick mess around before work.

Actual size:

Applied size:

Metro version of it.

so true.........

Thomas Edison - The First DJ

Any Graphic designers on here that would be kind enough to help me?