Hello there...
I've been trying to use DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth on my Windows 10 Home, but it keeps telling me that it does not support servicing Windows PE with the /Online option. Of course I'm not running WinPE 10.
Can anyone help?
the command is not correct......
see the link in my sig below - Image health - repair corrupt files
Will try that...Going to tell when there's progress. Thank you for a quick response!
About the tool, should I go to the installation itself?
BTW, If I download the ISO from TechNet, its version is 10586.11, while my PC is still 10240 (still don't want to update yet). So, does that going to make problems to my PC?
1) Your beginning problem is that there is no /repairhealth option - it should be /restorehealth
2) You should use the same build for DISM repairs as is installed on your PC
The problem is I don't know other trusted sources that has the 10240 ISO file. Because if I download in TechNet, it'll download the 10586.11 one.
If you want an external source for the repair, then you're talking adding the /source option - that wasn't part of your OP.
In Brink's Tutorial found here: DISM - Repair Windows 10 Image you should compare Option 1, Steps 5 and 6.
Maybe someone can link you to a legitimate source of the 10240 ISO - sorry I don't know of one.
Any particuar reason you don't want to upgrade to or install the latest build?
- I don't want bugs in the new update
- I may have an important program thats incompatible or removed
Sorry I didn't mention the source, actually I'm just asking why it says "DISM does not support servicing Windows PE with the /Online option".
because your command is wrong
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
as far as Media Creation Tool v10240 >