Search has been getting better and better with every version of Windows, but with 10, it’s it a place where it is legitimately awesome. It found what I was looking for, damn near first time — even if I mistyped the exact name of a file or app, something Windows 8 was always so strict about.
You know how Google has a knack for pushing the thing you want to the top of the results, while with Bing you end up digging? Well, Windows 10 is exactly the same.
I find that the results are so much better than the Windows 8.1 I was using before. With that search, it felt like every query was being overseen by a pedantic kindergarten teacher: every time I made a typo, or didn’t type a file name quite perfectly, it would deny me the result, and tease some stupid Bing search instead.The changes aren’t limited to algorithmic tweaks, either. Search is now a great way to go to a website — type in ‘Gizmodo’ and hit Enter, and my favorite tech blog opens in Chrome. That means I can open a webpage by pressing Start, typing the name (not even needing the dot com!), and hitting Enter, all without taking my eyes off the screen, or moving my hands away from the keyboard. It might not sound revolutionary, but it sure beats clicking into a browser.
The tricks don’t stop there: there’s also some natural-language-processing abilities to play with. I was trying to find a spreadsheet earlier, and thanks to my lack of organization, Excel files are scattered across about three hard drives. I’d normally need to fire up Explorer and run a long search for .xlsx files; with Windows 10, you just type ‘show me my spreadsheets’. ‘Show me photos from last month’ also works, as does my favorite, ‘open the last document’.
When I type "Gizmodo" I still get the Bing results.
Maybe because of your system settings? Default browser and/or default search engine?
Even on Windows 8.1 it works for me.
Even setting Chrome & Google as defaults I still get Bing results. Are there settings within Cortana/search I need to set?
I couldn't say right now, as I have both my machines setup with their original OSs in preparation for the upgrades Maybe someone else can help here, sorry. Maybe the author has it setup as a bookmark, and because of indexing it opens for him(total guessing here). Try one of your bookmarked sites-windowssh blog for example.
actually the windows 8.1 search was far better, FOR ME atleast.. now is just dumb.. In win8.1 i can open ANY program just by pressing Windows key + typing the first 2 or 3 letters of the program + enter key.. I took me like 1 seg to open a program before... In windows 10 i can still do that but with more steps and it feels so slow.. Is faster to have shortcuts now, like in windows XP lol.. and I hate shortcuts i know is probably a little nit picking but for me is a deal breaker :c