Any ideas? I understand, that 10 relies on reset/refresh, but disabling SR is a bit drastic.
Especially taking into account, how many flaws are in 10 right now, I wonder how it made RTM.
System Restore is enabled for me by default (clean install). Perhaps if you upgraded, it carried over System Restore settings from Windows 8/7 and they were disabled.
I did clean setup about 20 times last week, it was always disabled.
System restore was enabled for me when I upgraded. It is a very stable OS, that is why it reached RTM
Strange. SR was disabled on 2 fresh installs for me. Wonder if it has to do with drives being SSD.
SR is working here and I have an SSD.
Thanks for the input, I wonder what is the cause then?!
I guess, I will just to have create a setting to enable it afterwards.Well not when you read the blog.
Just ShellExperienceHost crashing causes inability to open Start/Time/Settings.
It is well known that more negative results are posted than positive. I could post on every thread, well it works for me. While that is true, it doesn't help. But to say that W10 is flawed is wrong, that is my opinion.
My main point I'm trying to make is most problems are either hardware, driver related, or some third party software. Not the OS itself
This setting enables SR, still trying to figure out, how to set up disk usage in percentage.
reg add "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSPPClients" /v " {09F7EDC5-294E-4180-AF6A-FB0E6A0E9513}" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d 1Are not they always? If everyone was using the same hardware, software, Windows would be flawless.
Now why do you want to go messing around in the registry to turn VSS & System restore on, when it's not necessary?