
Home Wifi -- interesting read

Hi there
I usually find stuff written by so called "Specialists" for "The Masses" a waste of time but this I found worthy of a read from the BBC.

How easy is it to hack a home network? - BBC News

Interesting about things like digital radios and other stuff connected to home wifi.

BTW ALWAYS regularly check your router logs -- very good source of information - but I'll probably bet a full scale Beer brewery to a bucket load of "back end of bull" that 99.9% of people don't perform that simple task -- or even know how to do it. !!!


It would be hard to hack mine. Someone can try if they want. They will never get through.

It would be hard to hack mine. Someone can try if they want. They will never get through.
Hi there

Remember that old James Bond film "Never say Never". The world is full of things happening that "could never happen". Start with the "Unsinkable ship" - The Titanic and look what happened. Another one -- Japanese nuclear power stations -- built with every safety feature they could think of -- including possibility of a major earthquake -- but along came a Tsunami (almost unheard of in that region) and nearly caused another type of Chernobyl disaster.

I think we've all thought we're quite clever or smart at times but I guarantee whatever you do there will ALWAYS be someone smarter than you -- and sometimes even an insidious low tech approach can defeat the most high tech security money can buy.

Here's an interesting example for you -- go into any browser and enable its debug mode. Now do a Google search on almost anything - you'll probably be quite horrified with the amount of data being collected and sent to other sites.

Incidentally most people get caught out by simple scams which don't have too much to do with computer security per se -- but if your Bank account is emptied I don't suppose you care whether the money was taken because of a hack or a scam - you just want your money back. !!!


Jim it could happen, but they would not find much. Plus it is two layers that they have to go through. They just have to figure out which one is not the Honeypot.

Good article Jimbo, thanks for posting the link.

Off to check my router logs and disable WPS

WPS was already off
Interesting, log shows quite a few Dos attacks (SYN/ACK) from several different IPs. All from .ru
Also showed attempts to make Remote Desktop connections (I have them turned off) on port 3389.
I figured out how to have the router E-mail me the logs each night for easy review.

Rich, WPS has been disabled for a long time, because it has had a huge security risk. Just wished that the manufacturers would not allow a person to finish setting up a Gateway, until they put in a good password and same for Wifi. Every router out there runs on Linux, and they use IPTables for handling the NAT/Firewall.

Home Wifi -- interesting read