Hello. For quite a while, my computer had slow boot up and shutdown times and I searched online that sfc /scannow could probably help. I've tried every method regarding sfc /scannow and nothing worked. I've also included a CBS Log file to help me (the file size is 1mb too large to place as an attachment so here is the link: sfc - Pastebin.com)
When I found errors though sfc /scannow, I just said "screw it" and did anin-place upgrade which resolved the errors. My system runs amazingly well now.
I've just had this was driving me crazy for days going to close my post as worked it out from other answers no gurantees it will work for you too. But may be worth a shot!
->Download a copy of the windows 10 iso at Windows 10 choose 32/64 bit depending on your system
-> I then mounted this using windows 10 double clicking the iso puts it on a new drive letter
->In the mounted iso file find sourcesinstall.wim this is in a strange esd format
->install NT lite add your install.wim(esd) file and convert it into a wim file place it somewhere on your harddrive I found making a easy to type path useful for later
->Start run cmd as admin
-> Enter Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup into the cmd window making sure you are using cmd as admin and wait
->Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /wim:Path:1 /limitaccess
Path being the complete path to the wim file like mine was e:sourcesinstall.wim
After that my problems was gone
When it says, "Keep personal files and apps" does apps count as programs outside the Windows Store?
Yes, it keeps everything... Just be sure you uninstall any antivirus beforehand.
Alright. I'll try both methods and see which one works. Thanks
Any progress?
Sorry for late reply. Yes, everything works perfectly now.
Good to hear!
Thanks very much for posting that. It took me a while to figure out the NT steps, but it eventually made sense. Only one note. After completing all the steps SFC still complained of file corruption but this time was able to repair the errors. Next run was error free.