
Unable to remove ethernet connection


Hello there! Aliasgar Welcome to the windowssh blog!

It appears you have quite a mess on your hands to deal with there! No doubt about that at all! But you still have a few outs you can look at to see the bulk of all that cleared out! The first would be opening up the Command prompt(admin) option and simply typing in "ipconfig /release" followed by pressing the enter/return key and closing that. And then you take a look in the Control Panel>Network & Sharing center>Change sharing options and under Private(current profile) uncheck the Turn on network discovery item there.

Next and third last step before a full system restart would be going into the Device Manager>Network adapters and right clicking on what you see there to temporarily disable or even possibly remove any adapters like Realtek Gigabyte Family if not some other before the full restart takes place. Then you restart with all that placed on the disabled list to then take a new look at the adapter setting in the Network & Sharing center where you should see a large change having taken place.

If you run VMs at all or enabled the Hyper-V virtualization option that will end up producing network items sometimes in mulitples and from the initial look noticing the Broadcom as well as VMware items like the Hyper-V feature having left one here behind when needing to go back to VMware's VM Player which had to be replaced with the newer Workstation Player now seen the network switch for the first Windows 7 network switch is still found in the DM under Network adapters!

The idea now of course by seeing all of this disabled is to prevent Windows from redetection and initialization as well as several failed attempts to reinitialize which you have there so all those extras either disappear or can be easily removed. Once that is seen to you can then go back into the DM and re-enable the network adapters you will be using not only the nic card but VMware as well and follow that up with a second restart to see if the problem comes up again.

The TAP's are created for IPv6 and would also have a related VM.

Never seen that many VM connections in a long time.

This is certainly an old one for sure! Between Hype-V having had that enabled and then disabled as well as upgrading VM Player 7.1.2 seeing it update to the 7.1.3 on it's own when checking for updates and then replacing that with the Workstation 12 Player in order to be able to run the same VMs I had going on the 7 side I ended with only a half dozen total.

The information regarding this type of problem seen on previous versions as far as Vista, 7, and 8, 8.1 suggest going into the Device Manager and uninstalling all TAP adapters as well as disabling the IPv6 items. That is then followed by a full restart as alternate method.

The idea there however is to first see if everything can be removed and allow Windows to correct itself once everything is enabled afterwards. Between VM Player following the use of the Oracle VirtualBox and VirtualBox Portable and a few other emulators the most before now had only been 3 or 4 items showing. Presently on 10 I see three for Hyper-V two being the vEthernet, another being the extension network switch and two for VMware as well as the one for the Team Viewer program. And then you have the default Realtek Gigabyte family adapter being the nic card in use.

In researching a number of MS as well as Superuser site and other posts regarding this type of problem even seen on XP one lead to the devcon tool as an automatic remover for the excessive number IPv4 and IPv6 addressed 6to4 adapters. The problem there however is that the blog writer for one 2010 blog about this accepted a 64bit upload from a reader I wan't able to find out anything more about! Automating "6to4" Adapter Removal in Windows - RyanVictory.com

The tool itself however when looked is found at the MSDN Hardware Dev Center. Windows Device Console (Devcon.exe) - Windows 10 hardware dev

Unable to remove ethernet connection