
Can not run executable files from external drive in Windows 10

Hi everyone,

I am having an issue. It is nothing really more of an annoyance. After recent Anniversary Update for windows 10. I could not run any executables files straight from any external devices. However, I could view, delete, copy, cut those files just fine. At first I thought it might be because of the recent update to security included in Anniversary Update that might have reset permissions on all external device so I went ahead and give myself full permission but still no go

So for now if I want to run any files in external device I have to copy them to the local hard disk and then run. I am wondering what might be the cause of this? Is there a way to fix this behavior?

Thank you.

Hi, possibly an AV restriction?
windows 7 - Cant run executable from external hard drive, it says I need permissions - Super User

Do you get an error message? The precise wording can sometimes be heplful, if only in searches.

Can confirm I'm not experiencing this problem.

Hi, possibly an AV restriction?
windows 7 - Cant run executable from external hard drive, it says I need permissions - Super User

Do you get an error message? The precise wording can sometimes be heplful, if only in searches.

Can confirm I'm not experiencing this problem.

Hi dalchina, Thank you for replying so quick. The error message is "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item" I tried disable, uninstall KIS still no go. Tried it today on another PC with fresh install of Windows 10 then update to Anniversary Update. BAM!! this annoying error.

Hi, can you launch an exe on an optical disk?
Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. - Page 3 - Windows 7 Help blog
for an example of well-directed attempts to solve this.. without resolution. This does appear to show what probably won't work.

What we need is a solved example. If there are any.

Have a look at your registry:

Can you post a screenshot of what you see?

The same restriction can be set using the registry by creating Deny_Allkey of Dword-type with the value 00000001


Is the mentioned "external device" a NAS or any other, Linux based server? If that's the case you need to grant yourself execution rights. This has to be done on the device itself, not under Windows. If it's a NAS you should be able to do this on the UI (usually a website) where you configure the device.

Thanks guys for your reply. Really busy the last few days so could not reply promptly, so sorry about that. Anyway
@altae no it is not a NAS or Linux based server. It is my personal laptop but thank you for your input.
@dalchina yes i can run executables from CD/DVD drive just fine. Attached is the screenshot of Registry hive.

check the method 1 - im interested of what access list says for you

Hi guys,

@ bathhilz I already did that it is still does not work.

Anyway thanks guys for your input. Really appreciate it. I guess i will have to do an extra step from now on if i wanted to run executable from external drive from now on.

Maybe its a security feature of Windows that doesn't allow you to run exe files from external sources.

Copy the exe to a folder on your PC then try running it.

If the properties tab has a tickbox for unblock tick that before running it.

I can confirm I can launch, for example, an installation using a .exe file on a flash drive - build 1607. (At present I have UAC on).

Can not run executable files from external drive in Windows 10