
Locking Down PC for Disabled User-Hiding the File Explore in Start Men

New to the list as I have fought moving to Windows 10, but now I am underway........

I have an adult disabled son (Traumatic Brain Injury). He is mostly fine using a PC but gets inquisitive & investigates everything he can find in the OS. This causes me LOTS of work attempting to lock down system access & fixing problems that surface. Had gotten pretty good at locking down Windows 7 using Folder Guard.

Now on Windows 10 for his laptop, I find that the older version of Folder Guard I have does not work on Windows 10. The new version is very much harder to implement so I have pursued Local Policies in Windows 10. It can do most everything I desire except!

I cannot find a way to remove the File Explorer Icon/Button from the Start Menu. If it were not there right above Settings, I would be ok as I have found a way to disable Settings access.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

Perhaps, using your admin-level acct, configure a guest-level account under his name. Since I'm a Windows 7 person, I'm guessing you can do as you posted within his guest-level acct.

The File Explorer icon can be Unpinned from the Taskbar but it is on the Windows System list on the Start, All Apps, Wmenu, doesn't look like it can be removed from there. I'd think the biggest issue is that File Explorer is pretty much the heart of Windows and not much can be done about that. Pin and Unpin is on the right-click context menu of many things.

I would think that there would be some registry hack that could cause this to be hidden. You could still get to it under the All Apps button. I have hidden that All App button fine, but not this File Explorer one.............

Anyone know the full path for opening File Explorer? I can do a trick using Folder Guard if I could even just determine the path for the executable of File Explorer.

I would think that there would be some registry hack that could cause this to be hidden. You could still get to it under the All Apps button. I have hidden that All App button fine, but not this File Explorer one.............

Anyone know the full path for opening File Explorer? I can do a trick using Folder Guard if I could even just determine the path for the executable of File Explorer.
It's executable file name is explorer.exe [not to be confused with iexplore.exe for Internet Explorer]. Doing a Search for the name shows a number of versions in the C:Windows Folder and some of its subFolders.

Yes, thanks! I did find it. But, I remembered that if you remove ability to open Explore.exe, then the system itself will not work.......... Will have to find another work-a-round.

Sure wish I new of a registry hack.

I still believe you're better off establishing a guest-level account and configuring it from your admin-level account. Trying to tie down, trying to hide, Explorer.exe operations will probably result in more grief than joy.

I still believe you're better off establishing a guest-level account and configuring it from your admin-level account. Trying to tie down, trying to hide, Explorer.exe operations will probably result in more grief than joy.
So, a guest account can be created that would not allow access to file folder? Not sure I understand that.........

It's executable file name is explorer.exe [not to be confused with iexplore.exe for Internet Explorer]. Doing a Search for the name shows a number of versions in the C:Windows Folder and some of its subFolders.
What about adding a permission to the executable that specifically denies the son's account and leave all the other permission levels in place?

What about adding a permission to the executable that specifically denies the son's account and leave all the other permission levels in place?
That get's my Seal of approval, to try anyway (inside joke between us, concerning a Godzilla thread )

Locking Down PC for Disabled User-Hiding the File Explore in Start Men