

It's interesting to see that after i "disabled" it from the options, the process Cortana is still running and is tied to searchui.exe . And after deleting Cortanaware, the windows search bar stopped responding for good lol!

Is there any other way to stop this from the services or something? i've looked for it and found nothing. It's funny how MS tells you Cortana is "disabled" but the process in task manager is still up and running just fine.

My complaint, exactly.

I fear that Cortana is bound up with Windows Search, as Edge appears to be. Don't like Cortana, don't like Edge. I found that there are some changes in group policy, in addition to the so-called 'settings' method. No change, though.

The hero who can solves this problem must speak up!

My complaint, exactly.

I fear that Cortana is bound up with Windows Search, as Edge appears to be. Don't like Cortana, don't like Edge. I found that there are some changes in group policy, in addition to the so-called 'settings' method. No change, though.

The hero who can solves this problem must speak up!

After doing a bit of digging into this question here is what I found that may best fit your needs. If this sin't helpful let me know and I will dig more .
How to disable Cortana in Windows 10

My complaint, exactly.

I fear that Cortana is bound up with Windows Search, as Edge appears to be. Don't like Cortana, don't like Edge. I found that there are some changes in group policy, in addition to the so-called 'settings' method. No change, though.

The hero who can solves this problem must speak up!
I just removed all user permissions from the searchui.exe then end task and now it doesnt reload

I have my Cortana disabled and everything just set to Google.

My solution is to right-click, Open File Location. Then, go back, and Go to Details, from there end the process tree. Once you end the process tree, rename the folder and move it to a different folder, or delete it entirely. I don't know what MS will do in the long run, or even address Cortana, so, caution.

My solution is to right-click, Open File Location. Then, go back, and Go to Details, from there end the process tree. Once you end the process tree, rename the folder and move it to a different folder, or delete it entirely. I don't know what MS will do in the long run, or even address Cortana, so, caution.
Just a heads up to others, I went with this route and it does squash Cortana. In my case, I added a "0" to the end of the folder. However, upon reboot Windows made a new folder for Cortanta, but it was still disabled. I attempted to enable Cortana by renaming the new folder (added a 1 to the end) and renaming the original folder (removing the 0) and rebooting. It didn't work. So then I went to an elevated command prompt ( WIN+X --> Windows Powershell ADMIN ) and ran sfc /scannow which fixed the "corrupted files" and brought the search function back.

Just an FYI to those that decide they want to revert. Thanks for the method, PhegPhaceKat!

I kinda liked the start menu search function, it didnt need an internet connection to use until Cortana BS came along, it really is a shame that it cant all be separated, killing Cortana in the process. However, if MS, didnt demand personal Information, Cortana might actually be useful. It's no SIRI that for sure.

This will disable Cortana.

Copy and paste into administrator cmd.exe

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SearchUI.exe Telemetry" dir=out action=block program="%SystemRoot%SystemAppsMicrosoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewySearchUI.exe" description="This rule prevents the Cortana telemetry. (This will also disable Cortana voice recognition.)"

REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyFirewallRules" /v "{6439910F-8291-46F1-842A-D9A313E49FCE}" /t REG_SZ /d "v2.24|Action=Block|Active=TRUE|Dir=Out|App=%SystemRoot%SystemAppsMicrosoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewySearchUI.exe|Name=SearchUI.exe Telemetry|Desc=This rule prevents the Cortana telemetry. (This will also disable Cortana voice recognition.)|" /f

It's no SIRI that for sure.
SIRI collects more intrusive personal information than Cortana, it's just less transparent.

Thanks, tucking those nuggets in for next time I have to reinstall.
