
Thank you

I use speech to text frequently with my iPhone because I don't do well with the virtual keyboard. and I like the autocorrect for thingls like dont and cant. I'm pretty good with my desktop REAL keyboard, but I just got a microphone after my upgrade to Windows 10 and Cortana.

Is there any good freeware like what comes integrated with the iPhone where I can dictate to a text file?

Just asking.....

Speech Recognition should be built in to Win 10. Give it a try.
Use speech recognition - Windows Help

Use Speech Recognition to operate windows and programs - Windows Help

Dictate text using Speech Recognition - Windows Help


Thanks Jerry, those are good URLs. In fact, I'm using the Windows app to dictate this. Lots of mistakes, but those can be edited out.

One interesting item, is that my text for this forum response appears and a second box for me to cut and paste into the main message box.

I appreciate your help.

You're welcome, I'm not sure if there is a setting in the options so that second box doesn't appear, I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking and there is an option for that.


Take a look at windows integration. It is almost free. This solution use Google Speech API and need not any training. You can voice typing directly in Word and other windows appliations. You can see youtube video of using this tool in windows

Hello Alex,
I really enjoyed your suggestion. Actually I'm a collegue student and my native language is Brazilian Portuguse, even by using it the Seech Pad is pretty accurate! Thus, I've registered to it and I'm using it to accelerate the way I do annotations and make quotations on my gratuation thesis.
Take a look at windows integration. It is almost free. This solution use Google Speech API and need not any training. You can voice typing directly in Word and other windows appliations. You can see youtube video of using this tool in windows

Hello Alex,
I really enjoyed your suggestion. Actually I'm a collegue student and my native language is Brazilian Portuguse, even by using it the Seech Pad is pretty accurate! Thus, I've registered to it and I'm using it to accelerate the way I do annotations and make quotations on my gratuation thesis.
Glad to help you!

I've also discovered an alternative to SpeechPad with really similar performance, also online, with a more modern design and NO registration needed. Thus I'm sharing the link with you: speechnotes.co.
PS: there's also the chance to add an Google Chorme App, from here, which will open its website directly from the Apps window@Chrome.


Thank you