
Desperate Help Needed: How to check if files have been modified?

Hi all, I DESPERATELY need some help here.

I've been using Dropbox for over 2 years now and I've been sharing my Dropbox account with other users. I've got some .PDF files stored in my Dropbox folder and I'm VERY worried that these .PDF files have been modified by another Dropbox user.

This is my question: How can I check if my files in my Dropbox folder on my local HDD have been edited at all?

Thank you for any help!

You could look at the date modifiedand compare this to your local backup perhaps?

If they should neverhave been modified then the creation date and the last modified date should be the same (which will make things easier). You can see this by right click > properties > details

Assuming you have a 100% "good" version of your file(s) and another one that you want to verify, use HashMyFiles to compare the hashes of the files (a sort of digital signature). If there are different, something must have changed.

Thanks so much for your replies!

I've got another similar issue, but it doesn't involve Dropbox.

I've got one .PDF file that is located across a few different devices and HDD's and I just wanted to know if there's a way I can check if it's been altered by anyone? In other words, it's supposed to be the same .PDF file with the same content, but how can I check if anyone of them have been altered?

Thank you!

This may be old fashioned but you can just use the old DOS file compare command fcfrom a command prompt. Type fc /?to see the options. Also see

Thanks, but how can I be sure that'll definitely tell me that the .PDF hasn't been changed? I just want to know that the pages and text inside it hasn't been changed because it's an e-book in .PDF format.

Is there something else I can try with a GUI?

I did a Google search for "visual file compare" and found this

That should keep you busy for the rest of the day

I still think fc is a quick and simple test.

I did a Google search for "visual file compare" and found this

That should keep you busy for the rest of the day

I still think fc is a quick and simple test.
Try Beyond Compare from Scooter Software. It may be just what you need.

Like I said, I just want to know that the content within the .PDF file is unchanged like the text and the number of pages.

Is there an app in particular someone can highly recommend for me?

Hey guys, this is a really important issue for me so I'd love to hear more opinions from the experts on here!

Desperate Help Needed: How to check if files have been modified?