
File Explorer crashes after Right Click in Desktop

Hello everyone!

I'm loving the new Windows 10! But this problem is really bugging me.

Whenever I right-click a file anywhere on the Desktop, the File Explorer crashes briefly and then comes right back up. This does not happen anywhere else, only on the Desktop.

I tried going to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shellex/ContextMenuHandlers" with RegEdit and removing some of them, but to no avail.

Anything to point me in the right direction or any suggestions?
Thank you in advance!

Download:ShellExView - Shell Extension Manager For Windows
NOTE: download version 1.97 or later, else Restart Explorer won't work in step 4

  1. This program does not require installation, just right clickand run as Administrator
  2. From the menu, click on Optionsthen click on Filter by Extension Typeand select Context Menu. Also put check marks as shown
  3. Click on the screen, Hold downCTRL Key+Ato select all then click on the red buttonon top left corner to disable all.
  4. Click on the Optionsagain and select Restart Explorer
  5. Now try to right click on desktopto see if it fixes your problem. If it does then start to enable one by oneand repeat step 4until the problem occurs again, that's the offending extension.

Try this to see if it helps. It's for Windows 8 but will be the same for 10:
Solved Right Click Menu Lag on my pc
I have ShellExView downloaded already, but I didn't know how to properly use it. Thank you for that helpful link.
I disabled all the "pink background" entries (installed by a third-party app) and it really did fix it (at least for the moment it seems).
Thank you very much!

Note:It seems the "Restart Explorer" option doesn't work on ShellExView. It only closes File Explorer and leaves you with a black screen. For anyone having the same problem, I restarted File Explorer by going to Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) and opening a new process "explorer.exe".

Thank you again Topgundcp!

In Windows 7 IO have deleted entry from

Works immediately.

It seems that there's a bunch of misbehaving shell extensions for Windows 10, but...
Here's what fixed this for me...
Using the ShellEx program...
Through the process of elimination I disabled the SpyBot Search & Destroy Shell Extension, and, instant SUCCESS.
Be Aware, I disabled this once, enabled it again and it continued to work properly until a reboot, then it was right back to where it was.

Uninstalling MalwareBytes seemed to have fixed it for me.

I was having the right-click issue with Windows 10 File Explorer, too and found this thread. In addition, over time Explorer would become non-responsive when clicking the Start button. I downloaded ShellExView and through trial and error, found that the Carbonite context menu was the culprit. After disabling that, all is right with the world. Thank you for posting on this topic!!

Disabled SpyBot Search&Destroy in the context menu fixed my issue.

thanks buddy. The spybot solution worked for me... much appreciated for doing the hard work

You're Welcome.
Glad It Helped...

File Explorer crashes after Right Click in Desktop