
Running Excel 2007 in Windows 10

I have read of many problems trying to get Excel or Office 2007 to work in Windows 10.

I have just aquired a new desktop PC with Windows 10 and at first copied across my Office 12 to the Microsoft office file, however it wouldn't run.

So I installed my original copy of Office 2007 and it now runs Excel and Word okay.

However I can open them with a shortcut and the select to open any file from the program, but if I select a folder with say an excel file and double click it to open, it shows a blank Excel 2007 spreadsheet.

If I try to select open with... it only shows Excel 2016 as an option, no Excel 2007

Anyone know how to fix this?

You have to associate the .xls files with your 2007.

You have to associate the .xls files with your 2007.
It seems you have to choose a default app in Windows 10 but no option shows for Excel 2007 only Excel 2016 or App store.

Is there another way to associate Excel 2007 with .xls files?

Choose other apps. Browse to: Local Disk (C; Program Files (x86); Microsoft Office; OFFICE11; select EXCEL.EXE

Choose other apps. Browse to: Local Disk (C; Program Files (x86); Microsoft Office; OFFICE11; select EXCEL.EXE
Thanks for reply but no Office 11 showing in Program Files (x86) Microsoft Office only 12 &16

I use Excel 2003 without problems. This file is in an OFFICE11 folder. Probably Excel 2007 is in one of the other folders. Just try.

I use Excel 2003 without problems. This file is in an OFFICE11 folder. Probably Excel 2007 is in one of the other folders. Just try.
I have tried with OFFice 12 which is Excel 2007 but all it does is open a blank Excel 2007, no file opens with it unless I then select to open it from the program... if I double click on an excel file it opens a blank Excel 2007 program only.....

Settings, Default apps, Choose default apps by file type, for both .xls and .xlsx choose your default appl. Maybe Excel 2007 is offered there.

Settings, Default apps, Choose default apps by file type, for both .xls and .xlsx choose your default appl. Maybe Excel 2007 is offered there.
I looked at that earlier, but just took another look, can choose 2007 for .xlsx but daly not for .xls which is the one I need, selected the .xlsx but it doesn't open any excel files.

I appreciate your efforts to help, thanks.

And what happens when you right-click an Excel file, select Open WITH, more apps and check always use this.......; in more apps, look for other apps in this PC and browse to Excel.exe (corresponding with Excel 2007).

Running Excel 2007 in Windows 10