
Movie Makers

Since upgrading to windows 10 my Movie Maker 2.6 no longer works. I tried to change the compatibility mode but it is set for Vista and is unchangeable. I is there a "Freeware" (Not free to download but have to purchase) program for making movies. I only use this once in a blue moon so I do NOT want to buy. I have tried 4 different so called Free but when using them in order to create the movie I have to buy the program. NOT FREE!!!!!! I have also tried the YouTube video creator and another but the program is too small for my 67 year old eyes to see the text very well. Please help. Any good recommendations??? Thanks.


Windows Movie Maker should work in Windows 10. I have it and have used it several times.

There are some fairly good free video makers, but you shouldn't need them. Movie maker should work.

If you go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program, find Windows Essentials, if you click Uninstall/change it will ask if you want to uninstall or repair it. Select repair and see if that helps.

Thanks for the reply. I have done both. First uninstalled and reinstalled. Still could not preview the video before finalizing. Did a repair with no luck. Reinstalled essentials and still cannot preview before saving. If I just save it then play it, it seems to be ok but I wish I could preview before finishing. Any other suggestions?? Am I overlooking something?? Thank you.

I'm really not sure why it won't work. Give me a little time and I think I can find some good alternatives, unless I can think of a way to fix movie maker.

Is your problem that you can't see the preview in the small preview window or you can't see the preview in the full screen window?

Since upgrading to windows 10 my Movie Maker 2.6 no longer works.
I just tried Movie Maker 2.6 and it works for me,

I didn't have to set any compatibility either.

There is another thread here about 2.6,

Solved Where is the download for Windows Movie Maker 2.6? - Page 3 - Windows 10 blog

That's where I downloaded it from.

I'm really not sure why it won't work. Give me a little time and I think I can find some good alternatives, unless I can think of a way to fix movie maker.

Is your problem that you can't see the preview in the small preview window or you can't see the preview in the full screen window?

Thank you all for your help. After uninstalling 4 times and downloading the version from the site "derekimo's" suggested and installing, it finally works. Again, Thanks to ALL.
I just tried Movie Maker 2.6 and it works for me,

I didn't have to set any compatibility either.

There is another thread here about 2.6,

Solved Where is the download for Windows Movie Maker 2.6? - Page 3 - Windows 10 blog

That's where I downloaded it from.

Great. I'm glad you have it working again.

Thanks for the reply.
Great. I'm glad you have it working again.

Movie Makers