I know I can't access the local users and groups policy in this version, but I can't figure on how to -temporarily- disable my kid's user account so that it cannot be logged in.
Hello burgertime, and welcome to windowssh blog.
You can use OPTION TWO in the tutorial below to disable the account using the command prompt.
User Account - Enable or Disable - Windows 7 Help blog
EXCELLENT! Thank you so much Brink. You know, if my daughter were doing better in Math, I wouldn't need to know how to disable an account.
You're most welcome.
LOL, funny how it always seems to come back and punish the parent as well.
To bad they won't do it on their own without having to be rewarded.
It's unreal. To be fair, I'm a former Marine, so my expectations may be unreasonable of a 12 year old, but still....
Well, well, a military personnel. What the heck is wrong with these kids....?
Worked perfectly by the way. Thank you again. I just loaded up CMD as administrator, typed "net user <her username> /active:no" and poof! It disappeared from the login screen!
I'm glad we could help.