Hi Guys n Gals,
I have just upgraded to Win 10 pro from Win 7 Pro and immediately I have encountered an issue.
On the initial startup it asked me for my Live/Hotmail credentials which I duly submitted and since then when I start my laptop it asks for my Live password.
Now, I have looked around the general consensus is to go to the User Accounts section and choose "Sign In With Local Account" - however I do not have that option!??
Looking at the Users & Computers section it appears that what was my local Admin Account is now some hybrid between that and my Live account?
Can I revert back to just having my local admin account? Despite my best efforts I cant figure it out.
Any advice would be great!!
I have attached a couple of pics so you can see what I mean.
Many thanks,
I can't see the attachments.
BTW "Guys 'n' Gals" is no longer a cool form of address ☺
My Apologies,
Many thanks
On the "Your Account" screen you should have "sign on with local account instead" as per this Local Account - Switch to in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
The "User Accounts" screen also has "Domain" which for a home user should not be there. Perhaps you clicked on "My organization owns this"?
Try changing it to WORKGROUP, rebooting, and see if that helps.
Go to System > Change Settings > Change and see if your computer is member of Workgroup (normally called WORKGROUP) not a domain.
Otherwise you could perhaps make another local administrator account instead.
I will bet that when you booted the computer for the first time after the upgrade it asked a question similar to "Is this a work computer" or "I own this PC" - something like that. You picked the wrong choice, you picked "work computer" and should have been "I own this PC".
Now we need to try to figure out how to go back and change that option. Halasz suggestion to change to a Workgroup vice domain might do it, not sure.
Hi guys - apologies for the delay in replying I was in the process of also moving house.
I can confirm my laptop was part of a domain but I have done as @halasz has suggested and changed ait to a work group and still I am unable to revert back to just my local admin account. However the "Your Account" screen has slightly changed - see below.
Any further advice / guidance would be greatly appreciated!!
Many thanks once again
For starters, I would verify your identity on the "Your Account" screen and see how many more options that opens up.
Microsoft Account - Add or Remove Trusted Devices