I rarely use IE and regularly use Firefox and Chrome.
The easiest way is to just unpin it from the taskbar, then make sure one of your other browsers is set to be the default browser.
I had unpinned it. I was concerned that it might become my default. I had a similar problem with Bing even though I had deleted it from my lists of search engines. MS can be invasive.
Yes, but that's the best you can do since MS is determined to have Edge as default browser.
Like you, I have deleted Bing from my search provider list, set Google as my default search.
I also set IE11 as my default browser.
We'll see how long before MS "disown" IE all together.
MS is too paternalistic. Thanx for the info. Even though I delete B as search engine it keeps reappearing.
How did that happen ?
I deleted it and it never shows its ugly face again.
Did you do it this way ?...................
Open IE11 < Tools > Manage add-ons > left side, click Search providers >make sure you have your preferred search engine set as default >then, click Bing > click Remove > Close.
I use Firefox & Chrome.
After clipping triple bar in top right of window an options lets selection of search engines - which default & which to remove.