

I have been using waterfox 64bit on the last few win 10 updates but for some reason after latest win update I cannot to certain sites :- speedtest.net just gives a black screen; but it works alright on Spartan.
have uninstalled and reinstalled still the same.

might have to update java and or flash.

might have to update java and or flash.
both up to date

Does it work with 8.1 or 7? I know I stopped using it a while back because of issues like this. Palemoon is a good alternative.

Does it work with 8.1 or 7? I know I stopped using it a while back because of issues like this. Palemoon is a good alternative.
I don't know only started using on windows 10
I'll give palemoon a try

put palemoon 64 bit on and speedtest.net works fine on it

I have been using waterfox 64bit on the last few win 10 updates but for some reason after latest win update I cannot to certain sites :- speedtest.net just gives a black screen; but it works alright on Spartan.
have uninstalled and reinstalled still the same.
Just changed firefox x86 to waterfox x64 and now, using my Windows tablet/PC 2in1 (Dell XPS 12 9250), I no longer have to deal with Firefox_x86 not responding less than 2 minutes into browsing. Speedtest uses adobe flash, and one of my add-ons to waterfox is YouTube Flash player 1.7.0. Not sure if this addon would make a difference with you, but for me I love how Waterfox uses all my synced firefox preferences, besides (AND mainly) not having to use the Microsoft Edge browser which is definitely not as smoothly dovetailed with LastPass and it's password vault as Waterfox definitely is My OS is Windows 10 Build 14393 with DirectX 12.0.

This post was over a year old [31 May 2015], things most likely have changed since then.

This post was over a year old [31 May 2015], things most likely have changed since then.
Yes Berton. I erroneously posted my own ongoing resolution of current problems. That post, in retrospect, did not address the concerns of goatty2 in any shape or form. Call it Ausberger's as I do have that narcissistic penchant. Perdón!!!
