
How to Re-paginate (concatinate pages) in Firefox

I was asked by a fellow member how to use a re-pagination extension in Firefox. I'm posting here to make it public for all.


The extension is called Re-Pagination, and can be found here: Re-Pagination :: Add-ons for Firefox It works with Firefox and Chrome, as well as others based on Mozilla or Chrome browser. It is not available for Edge. Not sure if IE will support it.

Re-pagination is the process of concatenating (joining together) 2 or more pages into one. There are several reasons why you might want to do this. Avoid click "next". Save all pages as one. Print all pages as one.

I'm using Shawn's thread on Firefox releases as an example. Any thread will do, as well as any other web site with multiple pages.


After installing the extension and bringing up the first page, right clickon page 2, not last or next....page 2. This tells re-pagination to join the current page (1) with all remaining pages, 2 - last. Then click LOAD ALL.

In the upper left, you will see the progress of the joining. Wait for it to finish.

NOTE: There is a limitation, imposed by the extension, on how large the result can be.
It's not number of pages or length of post, just an internal buffer cap. I've found
<30-40 pages will fit into one result. If not, it will simply complete what it can.
You may need to join groups of pages if this is the case.

At this point, the extension has actually re-loaded all available pages, as one. If you were to press END on your keyboard, it would rapidly scroll all the way to the end of the last page. Press HOME, and it will pop to the top.


One of the main reasons for joining all pages as one is the ability to print the entire thread as one document. If "printed" as a PDF file, it then becomes available to open in the PDF reader of your choice and becomes searchable. Or any other function or use you may have for a PDF. It can even be zipped and posted, only limitation here on TF is the size, about 6.8MB, zipped.

Here is how to create the PDF after you have joined all the pages.

Do a CTRL-P and choose Microsoft Print to PDF. You may have other plugins available, also.

Click OK.

You will see the green progress bar in the background while the MS plugin is preparing the file. Choose where to save the PDF and give it a name. Click SAVE.

The progress bar for saving is displayed.
(actually creating the PDF at this point)

I'm using Foxit Reader, but you can use any good PDF reader to open the file. The PDF is searchable, contains clickable links, and can be used for any purpose like any other PDF file.

Note: The number of pages in the PDF file will be larger than the thread. This is due to
the PDF default page format of 8 1/2 X 11. Posts in the threads are variable
length. This will result in the PDF possibly splitting a post into 2 or more pages.


That's it. TC

Good info, TC. Well done.

Great work, easy to understand TC, thanks.

Thanks so much TC! I will try it shortly.

EDIT: Worked well!

How to Re-paginate (concatinate pages) in Firefox