I tried to see Skype Video on Windows 10. Huge mistake.
It asked me for a Windows Account. (I just finished understanding what Google Account means).
I happened to have a Windows Account. I entered it and it accepted it.
It then asked that I must also change the password that I use for my profile on my desktop.
I obliged and sacrificed my simple password as it required a strong password.
So now I have a Windows password and my strong user profile password.
I rebooted. Big headache for the past two hours.
Neither passwords workedto let me in my profile (which has Administrator privilege).
I logged in as Administrator, went to Control Panel, Users accounts, hoping that being logged in as Local Admin, I can change the password of my profile. I can see my profile user account, but there is no way to change its password, only to delete or change to ordinary user.
I changed my Windows account password via my mobile.
Still, I can't log in to my profile.
Would somebody kindly help? or should I just dump Windows 10 and move on to Mac?
Hi ikhadduri and welcome to windowssh blog.
You say you can log in as an administrator - can you perform aSystem Restore to get things back the way they were?
Thank you, SimRick. It should have occurred to me. It must old age.
I have my profile back (BTY, it is the original name that I had and not my full name that Windows account changed it to).
Now back to the drawing board and uprooting Edge to replace it with Chrome. That experience was like pulling a wisdom tooth without anesthetics.
Thanks again.
I thought I earlier saw a box to close this thread. I don't see it here.
Great! Yes, you've marked the thread as "solved" - that's all that is needed. Threads are only "closed" by moderators, if necessary.
In the future, you may find that Windows will ask you to log in with your MS account to use features (such as apps from the Store). In this case, look very carefully for a link in very small print, which will say something like sign in only to this app. That will keep your local account from switching to a MS account on the entire system.
If it does get you in the future, here is how to revert back:
Local Account - Switch to in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog