
Something messed up with PIN

I had to forcibly reboot my Windows 10 14342 machine today and when it came back fingerprint wasn't working saying there was no PIN set. I had set one, figured I could add it back. I go into Sign in options and it says 'Add a PIN' I click on that and it asks me for my PIN, put that in and it just hangs up. Few reboots and system restore have not made any change.

Is there a place to remove it completely? I'm thinking something might be amiss in my profile. Rather not rebuild it.

Hello mvalpreda,

Resetting or removing your PIN may be able to sort this for you. If you remove it, you'll need to add a new one.

PIN - Reset for your Account in Windows 10

PIN - Remove from your Account in Windows 10

If it doesn't help, then see if you may be able to remove your fingerprints, try the above again, then add a PIN and fingerprints again.

Fingerprint - Add or Remove in Windows 10

Thanks....but already went through all of that. I do not get any of the PIN reset options.

I think I have a Veeam Endpoint Backup from last week. I'll do a backup from now, restore from last week, then copy over the few changes.

When it asks for your PIN, are you able to select to enter your password or click on "I forgot my PIN" instead?

I forgot my PIN is available, but does nothing. Crazy is that I just restored to 12 days ago.....and everything was fine then....but now is not. Wondering if the PIN is stored with the TPM or something like that. I am not seeing any TPM options in my BIOS now though. Something very strange is going on!

Security Devices is missing from my laptop. No TPM showing up. Ugggg

Going to do a BIOS update and hope that kicks something back in.....

Your account's PIN is only tied locally in Windows to just that specific PC.

If you have a TPM, the PIN can be backed up to it.

Why a PIN is better than a password (Windows 10)

You might see if switching your account to a local account, then back to a Microsoft account may toggle it to work properly afterwards.

Local Account - Switch to in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

Microsoft Account - Switch to in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

TPM options are missing from the BIOS. Verified they shouldbe there....but alas they are not. Sounds like I have something else going on. I'll give Dell a call.

Dell is replacing the motherboard. TPM is just flat out missing. Very odd.

Odd indeed, but I'm glad they are taking care of it for you.

Something messed up with PIN