I accidentally associated .mapimail to Windows Live Mail; now in the right-click-on-file SendTo context menu, Mail recipient does not show up although Mail Recipient.MAPIMail is in the folder and all the other items do appear. I reset the file association using Windows’ normal method (Control panel > Programs > Default programs > Set associations) but no joy: the entry is in the SendTo folder but it still doesn’t appear in the Context Menu.
There’s a fix for this in the Windows Seven Forum (Accidently associated .MAPIMAIL now will not show up in SendTo Solved - Windows 7 Help blog), where Shawn’s provided a link to a reg file for .mapimail. Will this fix work in Windows 10 too?
Hi, not a direct answer - if I recall I eventually had this recreated after doing an in-place upgrade repair.. like you I'd tried reinstating it by other means. I expect there is a way. (I can't recommend doing an in-place upgrade repair just for that!)
I had noted (like others) it wasn't working in that it didn't launch my default client (Thunderbird).
The way forward with that is to create your own shortcut and add that to SendTo.
Not sure if that helps in your scenario as I don't use LiveMail.
Yes it is also applicable to Windows 10.
Whether it will solve your issue is another matter.
To ease your mind, here is a tutorial written for Windows 10.
Default File Type Associations - Restore in Windows 10
Go toOption Two.
Scroll down to Mailto .
Thanks for the quick reply! I installed the mailto.reg file you linked to but there was no obvious change. Believing in the power of both suspenders AND a belt, I also installed the mapimail.reg file from the Windows Seven Forum on top of that and I now have SendTo working properly again. Whether it was one or the other or both fixes that did the trick I don't know of course.
Note: The subject line of this thread is not entirely true: I didn't "accidentally" associate mapimail with WLM; I did it deliberately when all but one of SendTo options mysteriously disappeared from the Context Menu after this Tuesday's Windows Updates. The disappearing act was apparently the fault of a 0-byte file called "Bluetooth.SendToBluetooth" in the SendTo folder. Deleting that made the rest of the options appear again. (Google on "Bluetooth.SendToBluetooth" to see why.) But by that time I had already done the mapimail/WLM association and was unable to undo it.
Thanks to everyone who took the trouble to reply and point me in the right direction.
Kanyak's Doghouse
You are welcome.
Happy computing.