I have the latest version of Windows Update Agent (7.9.9600.16422).
I am needing Windows Update KB3035503 Installed on my laptop running Win 8.1 PRO so I can register for the Win 10 Upgrade. I have tried setting Win Update to automatic and manual. Neither will install the KB file. I have also reviewed the Win Update History and the KB File is not present. I am fairly sure I have legitimate Win 8.1 PRO update software installed on my machine as I purchased it directly from Microsoft.
Is there a way obtain and install this KB3035503 out side of Windows Update?
Reserve Free Upgrade to Get Windows 10 in Windows 7 and 8.1 - Windows 10 blog
Bunny J,
I followed the instructions you provided and installed KB3035583 (for 32 Bit 8.1 system. Install went fine and Windows Update shows the KB installed. Windows Update also shows no new updates ready for install.
The icon to register for Win 10 does not show up in the system tray. I have shutdown and rebooted my machine twice since the installation.
Any suggestions on how to get the ICON to display in the sys tray?
See if this helps:
Solved Get Windows 10 (gwx) app: Appraiser and Reservation notification icon
It took a few days for my Win7 machine to get the icon, but my Win8.1 machine got is almost immediately.
Read though the thread,, I included a 'fix' from Cliff S in post# 8. If the batch file methods (try all of them until the icon appears of there aren't any more methods) - give Cliff's method a shot.
Unfortunately this suggestion did not work. I had tried it before but tried it again. Utility ran fine, utility said KB3035583 installed and everything up to date. Still no Get Windows Icon in system tray
Have you tried the tool found here.,, it works for me.
Did you try each option in the batch file, they do different thing as workaounds for the gwx icon issue.Choices in the batch file:
1: Check Update Status
2: Quick-Method #1 [JC from answers.microsoft.com]
3: Quick-Method #2 [KevinStevens_845 from answers.microsoft.com]
4: Long-Method #1 [Yaqub K from answers.microsoft.com]
A reboot might be required, I forget. If after all methods have been tried, you might as well restart your machine - just in case it's that simple
It wasn't until the 2nd or third try, days apart, that my Win7 box finally got the icon
- it appeared after executing 2: Quick-Method #1
Also, did you follow the link in post# 8 to Cliff S's suggestion - some members had success that way.
Found where?