After I upgraded from Win 8.1 to Win 10 I have a strange problem.
After my laptop sits over night when I go to use it in the morning, when I shake my mouse or hit a button so I can log in all I can see is the Windows start screen but not the circle with my profile photos or the place to log in. I do have the controls in the lower left for shut down, ease of access, and Connect to the Internet.
I have my power setting so the computer never sleeps when it is plugged in. All my other settings anr at the default for the Balanced Plan. I have tried some of the other standard power plans put the same thing happens.
I am fairly good at troble shooting problems but this one has got me stumped.
Hp Envy i7 with 8 gb ram
Hello pvkid, and welcome to windowssh blog.
Do you mean that you see the lock screen like below instead?
If so, you should be able to click on it, or press Enter to see the sign-in screen.
Yes I see that screen first and when I click on it or shake my mouse it slides to the top like normal and then there is the sign in screen with out a place to sign in and no circle with the photo. This only seems to happen after it has been sitting all night it normally does not happen if it has been sitting 2-3 hours. I have searched but have not seen another problem like this.
As a test, turn off Fast Startup to see if that may help. It's been known to sometimes cause strange shutdown issues.
Fast Startup - Turn On or Off in Windows 10
Ok I have done this. I will let you know in the morning if the problem went away. This is sort of a hit or miss problem so 1 day of testing will not give the complete story.
Ok. Fingers crossed.
so far so good, I will give it another 24 hours
Bad news, it happened again
What is my next step
You could refresh or reset Windows 10 to most likely sort it.
Can you tell me how and will I lose my data?