
Create Photo problem for sign in screen

When I click on the Browse button to find a photo to use for my sign on page, nothing happens. Any suggestions?

I've attached a screen shot of the Settings page I am referring to. Browse Button does not work.
  • Browse Problem.docx (77.7 KB, 7 views)

Can no one help? I've added screen shot of problem setting in first post.

On my laptop, when I click on BROWSE in SETTINGS, PERSONALIZATION, BACKGROUND, it opens a pop up window to my This PC/Pictures folder. It does take 5 or 10 seconds to open the window. Are you waiting long enough?

Yes. Clicking on the browse button doesn't have any effect.

Yes. Clicking on the browse button doesn't have any effect.
Is your edition of Windows activated?

Sorry, I don't know what that means: (is your edition of Windows activated).

Sorry, I don't know what that means: (is your edition of Windows activated).

OK, I just checked and Windows is activated. I think in cleaning up apps, Icons and files I must have switched off something, maybe in Services. I just realized I have the same problem with browsing for a picture to add to my Background. The Browse button doesn't work there either.

It just occurred to me that the Browse buttons might be directed to the MS Photo folder. I deleted that folder and all the others like it as I keep my data on a separate internal drive. Could this be the case? If so I will need to change something to redirect the Browse buttons to my D Drive.

It just occurred to me that the Browse buttons might be directed to the MS Photo folder. I deleted that folder and all the others like it as I keep my data on a separate internal drive. Could this be the case? If so I will need to change something to redirect the Browse buttons to my D Drive.
Yes it does direct you to 'Photos' by default, that could be the problem.

How can I get the Browse buttons to redirect to D: Photos?

Create Photo problem for sign in screen