Hi guys, I just upgraded from win7 to win10. Smooth upgrade, but I noticed all my textfiles on my desktop and sticky notes from win7 disappeared. So I decided to restart my pc. What I noticed is on the bottom right of the screen as I reboot, it says something along the lines of "Unable to access data and documents because you are not signed in. Please sign out and re-sign in". I also notice that anything I do on thje computer gets reverted back to default after the computer is shutdown/rebooted. Now the odd thing is that my computer is called "HP" even from windows 7. So even after I sign out and sign in, I can only see "HP" as an option and no "Guest" or anything else. But even logging in as "HP" still won't recognzie me as the owner. PLease help. Thanks!
Yes anything that was on your Windows 7 install will not transfer over to 10, unless it is programs and documents in folders that the OS install is set by Microsoft to transfer over. Microsoft has deemed prior editions of Windows incompatible with Windows 10, so you see a lot of issues crop up when you do a in place install. Always do a clean install, never let Windows update. The update would have been pending for reboot after idle. It is easy to stop the install if people just kept an eye on what they allow to be downloaded by Microsoft Update on the prior and current version, along with shutting down their device when not using it, instead of leaving it running and to go into sleep which can be woken up when Windows checks for updates.
As for logging in. You have to use a Live account with your email and a password. Otherwise you have to use a Local account. It is easy to go and fix if you download the Windows 10 PE and install on a USB stick.
Hi there, thanks for replying. The problem I have with logging in even with a live account is that the computer keeps thinking I'm using a temporary profile. So whenever I logg out/shut down the computer and turning it on, the computer will return to its state after installing windows 10.
There is no Temporary profile on Windows. If you had a local profile with no password on Windows 7, that will stay there. As for your other profile, you will probably have to recreate it and inherit the Security permissions to get back your old stuff if Windows.old is on the drive.
Hi bro67, here is an attached image of what I see every time I turn on my computer: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
On windows 7, I had a profile "HP" and I believe it still exists on my Windows 10 because I can see it under Users. However I also TEMP, TEMP.HP-PC, TEMP.HP-PC.000..TEMP.HP-PC.003 and I believe this will continue to grow after every time I turn on my computer. How do I access my old windows 7 profile and inherit Security permissions to retrieve my old documents? I see Windows.old but it's pretty empty.
HP is not a Temp user, it is a factory set user, with no password. It is supposed to have a password set up for it after you get the computer. Because you did not, it gets disabled during the Windows 10 upgrade for security reasons. See my previous replies.
Looking at your picture,
I think you want to have a look at this,
You've been signed in with a temporary profile - Fix - Windows 10 blog
Hey guys, I think windows 10 fixed itself. I had an update last night when I turned off my pc, and upon turning on my pc today after the update, I was greeted with the setting windows 10 screen instead of the typical sign in screen. After signing in, I could see my old desktop files, wallpaper, and sticky notes from windows 7! It seems Windows 10 fixed itself. Sweet!