
Wait and give Edge more time to snyc the favorites?

You're most welcome.

This may help if you wanted to import favorites to Microsoft Edge.

How to Import Bookmarks from Chrome to Microsoft Edge in Windows 10

How to Import Bookmarks from Firefox to Microsoft Edge in Windows 10

How to Import Favorites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge in Windows 10
With 14393.3 I finally decided to switch to Edge. I imported from the IE and spent the afternoon using Edge to cleanup all the favorites to the way I like them. So I am happy with Edge on this machine. Now I want to do the same with my laptop but I don't want to import them the favorites from the IE and repeat my work. I cleaned the favorites on the laptop Edge, turned on sync and waited for the magic to happen like it does with the IE.

After a while I noticed a couple of folders in the laptop favorites which came from this computer, but nowhere near all the favorites. Do I just need to wait and give Edge more time to snyc the favorites?

Hello alkaufmann,

If you are signed in to the same Microsoft account on both PCs and have sync turned on in Microsoft Edge, then the favorites should eventually sync. Usually within 24 hours.

Microsoft Edge Sync Favorites and Reading List - Turn On or Off

If you like, you could also manually backup and restore your favorites in Microsoft Edge to effectively export and import.

Microsoft Edge Favorites - Backup and Restore in Windows 10

Thank you for that information. Patience is not on of my virtues so I did the backup and restore and that worked. Now I hope that sync won't mess things up.

You're most welcome. It shouldn't.

You're most welcome. It shouldn't.
Sync did mess things up. When I started Edge on this machine a lot of the favorites were missing and I had a lot of empty folders. I had copied the Datastore to a USB drive so I copied those files back to the original location. That worked and I have to my favorites back. I guess if sync does strange things again, I will turn sync off.

Odd that it would sync in reverse to remove them from the other PC.

Odd that it would sync in reverse to remove them from the other PC.
The laptop favorites are fine but it did the same for this machine, removing a lot of links and folders. I copied back the Datastore folder again from the USB drive and I have turned off sync for Edge. I will be happy if my favorites stay as they are now. If they change again I may go back to the IE.

Wait and give Edge more time to snyc the favorites?