
My Yahoo

I cannot get the My yahoo site to load on either IE or Firefox. It's supposed to be my home page and has all my bookmarks on it. I can get to Yahoo mail and sports, but the home page can't be displayed. Firefox said it was on another server and the path couldn't be completed. Any ideas?

Hi Amadeus51,

I've been having the same issue with my wife's computer, which started yesterday. She was using a portable version of Opera, and she was unable to get 'My Yahoo' to load. I was unable to get it to load with Chrome Portable either. However, I tried it on Firefox, and it worked fine. (Since I use Firefox and they sync, I don't want her using it too)

I don't have an answer, as I've checked everywhere I know of. I've cleared the cache, did a DNS flush, cleared the temps, etc.. I finally resorted to loading an image from last month, which allowed me to get a portable version of Comodo Dragon to get 'My Yahoo' to load, so I guess the problem is solved for now on my end.

I guess the point of this post was to let you know that you're not alone in this issue.


I cannot get the My yahoo site to load on either IE or Firefox. It's supposed to be my home page and has all my bookmarks on it. I can get to Yahoo mail and sports, but the home page can't be displayed. Firefox said it was on another server and the path couldn't be completed. Any ideas?
Have you tried accessing it with Edge Browser as you may be able to get it up that way, so you can log in to it

I used Bing and got access to the site ok using the above Browser

Got right into my account once I signed in

Odd thing is that when I looked for the site on Google, it wouldn't load from there either. I did try Edge and got in, but I noticed the address of the Edge site and the failed IE site seem to be a lot different. What's with that? When I changed my home page to the address on edge it seems to work.

Additional note: Even when My Yahoo homepage didn't load, my mail did.

Odd thing is that when I looked for the site on Google, it wouldn't load from there either. I did try Edge and got in, but I noticed the address of the Edge site and the failed IE site seem to be a lot different. What's with that? When I changed my home page to the address on edge it seems to work.
Good glad you were able to access your homepage
I use Bing and Edge all the time now for any site I want

Hopefully it will work for your wife as well

Additional note: Even when My Yahoo homepage didn't load, my mail did.
Hang tight.
Someone will come along to help you setting Yahoo homepage.
At least you can use Yahoo Mail.

This is how I set www.google.ca as my home page.
I am not sure if this will apply to you for setting Yahoo as your home page.

Open IE 11 > Tools > Internet options > General tab at the top > at Home page heading, erase whatever is in the box and type www.google.ca > OK when done.

Everyone, try again. I had problems earlier today and Yahoo acknowledged having problems. Everything OK again here with both Firefox and Edge.

Additional note: Even when My Yahoo homepage didn't load, my mail did.
- Ditto -

My Yahoo