I would like to access the microsoft FTP server but have found no way of doing it. Going into a browser and typing ftp.microsoft.com doesnt work and this happens
(i have hidden all the stuff related to me)
So if you beautiful people of the windows 10 fourms can help I will be very thankful
Thanks, Mineblock
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do.
Do you have your own FTP Server that you are trying to access? If so what year of Windows Server are you using? Windows Server 2003, Windows server 2006, Windows server 2012, ect
I am trying to access the MICROSOFT FTP SERVER. Their FTP.
If it is impossible and they closed it no worries
I'm not sure what purpose it would serve now-a-days as I think most people would just go to the download section of their website. I think the only use for FTP in recent years were those who had to put up with Dell's reluctance to ditch FTP and pirates using the Adobe FTP server to download software trials.
The Microsoft FTP server is still there as I can talk to it through Command Prompt, but it hangs at '150 Opening ASCII mode data connection' due to my Firewall settings and I can't be bothered to change them. Have you tried using an FTP client instead of the browser?
I tried using FileZilla and just put FTP://FTP.microsoft.com but no luck :/
I would like to see the files and copy and paste so yeah. I don't really want to install anything or change router or firewall settings.
I want to see the collections of old/new software on it.
I had a quick look through and it looks like it was abandoned in 2010, as I didn't come across anything newer than that.
Great. So how did you manage to get on?
And do you have any idea to copy files over?
I managed to get in the same way he did.
Win+R to open the Run dialog, type "cmd" and Enter to open Command Prompt, navigate to the folder you want files saved in (your main user folder is the default), then type "ftp ftp.microsoft.com" and use "anonymous" as the user name and password. It will then connect. Use "dir" to see a list of available directories and "cd <name of directory>" to enter that directory, rinse and repeat until you find the file you're looking for.
For example, I wanted to give Hover! a shot, as I never knew it actually came with Windows 95. Personally, I upgraded to Win98 SE as soon as I had saved up for it. I was in high school at the time, and while my computer was pretty much obsolete, I loved it. It was mine!
So, I navigated to deskappsgamespublicaas then typed "get hover.exe" to download. it's a WinZip extractor, so you'll want to tell it to extract to a directory that's easily accessible. I chose the desktop. The game plays perfectly, but looks horrible as there's no way to set resolution, and I believe 320x240 is the default, which appears stretched on my 1080p monitor.