Unlike almost EVERYONE else lol, I didn't not upgrade to Win10, I went to the store, bought a copy of Win19 on a disc, and a new HDD and did a dual boot with Vista64 and Win10 64 pro.
As such, I have to move files. What I didn't think about was my massive online cooking library saved on Firefox bookmarks.
Is there a file somewhere I don't know about on my Vista HDD that has my Firefox bookmarks that I can transfer to my new version of Firefox on my Win10 HDD?
As soon as I transfer the rest of my files, I'm going to reformat the HDD with my Vista on it and reuse it.
Try this Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles | Firefox Help
Oh cool.
So I can create that profile on the Vista boot, then move the file from that HDD to the Win10 HDD and reboot the computer into the Win10 open the newly moved file and it will load?
I'll try that later and let you know how it works.
Thanks for the help cyberSAR.
Mozbackup is the best backup tool for Firefox there is!
MozBackup - Backup tool for Firefox and Thunderbird
Click on #1 then #2. Create an account then sign in to sync. The bookmark/Add-ons will automatically sync to any PC that you have Firefox installed. In addition, any bookmark/add-ons that you add later on in one PC will also be synced to the others.
I have used this for years, it just works.
@topgun: I'm not really a joiner. They collect enough info on me without my knowledge and consent that I hesitate to give them more.
What kind of glop do they want you to give them to *join * firefox?
Well dang it cyberSAR, I tried Topgun's method and it worked so fast and so quickly I didn't have a time to try your method.
As far as creating a Firefox account all it asked for was an email addy (and I'm so old I have many throw aways) and a password. Doesn't look like it is too inrusive so far.
Glad it worked! I don't sync Firefox but I include my profile folder in backups. Has never let me down. Restores my passwords, bookmarks, customizations and addons.
As you found out. Firefox does not ask for your personal Info, just an email so it can send you an email to verify it is a legitimate account.
It only takes a couple of minutes to create an email account just to sync your bookmark and you don't have to put in any personal info. Once you sign up for sync, Firefox will send you an email to verify then you can go to email settings and set it not to receive any email that is not in the cantact list, which is empty so you would never get any email for that account.
It is very handy especially when you have mutiple PC's, they will always be in sync. If you delete/add a bookmark/Add-on in one then they will be automatically updated to all other PC's. No need to backup/Restore.
Hope this helps !!!