
Can't Open App Store or Windows/Start Button on Windows 10

Hey, all!
So, I just updated to Windows 10 today, and I'm having some problems.
1) I click on the Windows/Start button on my desktop... and nothing happens. What's up with this and how can I fix it?
2) I can't open the App Store. It will not open from the button on the little tray on the bottom, it just flashes an outline of a window and then it closes itself. I did a little more exploring, and I somehow got to a Settings app and tried accessing the store from changing one of the default apps on the Default Apps tab. It threw up an error message at me, saying something about how the process was illegal because a registry key was marked or something. WTF?
I have Avast! and Malwarebytes installed, and as I've been exploring around, I've seen that anti-virus programs have been the cause of a number of problems. Is there any way I can stop the problems without wiping out my protection?
Thanks for your help, if you can give it!

It will do that if updates are being downloaded and installed. There are still some bugs that Microsoft is fixing as fast as they can.

So, update - the app store works now, after I restarted, but the start button still does nothing when I click it.
Extra update - tried downloading an app, but it is doing nothing but flashing a window outline, then nothing.

Latest updates - I uninstalled Avast and rebooted, which did nothing. I also went to msconfig and changed Selective Startup to Normal, to no avail. Anybody have any ideas?

All righty, so latest update (can I pleaseget some help here?): Just ran the latest Windows update, which fixed nothing in regards to this. I've stumbled upon the possibility that I might need to make a new user profile because my current one may be corrupted. So, I've tried to do that through the Settings, but when I click the button to add a new user account or log in to my Microsoft account, nothing happens. HELP ME.

All righty, so latest update (can I pleaseget some help here?): Just ran the latest Windows update, which fixed nothing in regards to this. I've stumbled upon the possibility that I might need to make a new user profile because my current one may be corrupted. So, I've tried to do that through the Settings, but when I click the button to add a new user account or log in to my Microsoft account, nothing happens. HELP ME.

Windows 10 comes complete with Windows Defender Real Time Anti Virus Protection and a Windows Firewall.

If you Install another Anti Virus, Windows Defender Turns itself OFF.

I also made the mistake of Installing Avast (Which I've been using for years) and it seemed to cause so many problems, including installing 'Google Chrome' which I didn't want.

And while I uninstalled all the Files for Avast, getting rid of Google Chrome, was an even bigger problem.

So in the end I found it quicker and better to do a Clean Install, which doesn't leave any broken files behind.

To Switch on Windows Defender, which 'May' have Switched itself OFF when you put Avast ON.

Settings>Update and Security>Windows Defender>Real Time Protection>Click: The Slider, to Turn Windows Defender ON.

Can't Open App Store or Windows/Start Button on Windows 10