
Thank You Halasz

I'm running Windows 10 64-bit and whenever i right click on desktop the screen turns black.
Check out video for more details(The video is in windows 8.1 but the problem is the same and still persists). Please help me!
Thanks in advance.

Hi first of all how long has windows 10 been installed before the problem happened.
What had you done before it happened like what sites or anything had you been on
if you can give us as much information as possible it will let us help you more.

The problem started 6 months ago when I was using Windows 8.1. I thought it might disappear after I update to 10 but it didn't and the problem still persists! I have been visiting normal sites, nothing out of the ordinary. I have Premium Malwarebytes Anti-Malware protecting my PC. Right clicking anywhere makes the screen go black, even the little utility bar of options on the top of Windows Explorer! Please help! Sorry for the late reply!

You could try downloading ShellExView.

Disable all the non-ms context menu items and then re-enable them one by one until you find the culprit. For me the Intel igfxDTCM context menu item was causing a similar problem - right click was just hanging for 5-10 seconds on the desktop.

You could try downloading ShellExView.

Disable all the non-ms context menu items and then re-enable them one by one until you find the culprit. For me the Intel igfxDTCM context menu item was causing a similar problem - right click was just hanging for 5-10 seconds on the desktop.
Got a Trillion Extensions here! Are there any particular groups which cause this trouble? I don't have the igxDCTM extensions of yours too. Also some are highlighted pink. How to go about it? Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!

Click on options and then tick "Hide all Microsoft Extensions". That should get rid of most. (Pink just means not Microsoft btw).

Then select all, right click and disable. See if the problem is fixed. If so then enable them one by one (or half at a time if you've lots) until you find the one causing the issue.

Click on options and then tick "Hide all Microsoft Extensions". That should get rid of most. (Pink just means not Microsoft btw).

Then select all, right click and disable. See if the problem is fixed. If so then enable them one by one (or half at a time if you've lots) until you find the one causing the issue.

Thanks a ton, Halasz! That worked instantly for me! Perfect solution Top Marks Mate! I was almost on the verge of doing a full reset when an angel in the form of halasz arrived, can't thank him enough.

Thank you lx07 you ROCK! That fixed it for me. I had spent countless hours trying to find a solution and trying everything, this worked.
ShellExView fixed the file explorer being slow and unresponsive.

Good news - and welcome to the forum

I know this is an old thread, but I just solved the same exact problem differently. I enable transparency in Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsPersonalizationWindow Color and Appearance. After doing this, anytime I clicked on a blank part of my desktop, the whole screen went black. It would reappear if I right-clicked. When I disabled transparency, it stopped going black when I clicked.

Thank You Halasz