
10 not recogniziing win 7 disc

I got this new pc for christmas which came with 8.1, which I hate. So I did the free 10 upgrade but now run into many new problems. Many of my favorite programs are not yet compadible. Discs burned from previous operating systems and usb drives formated for previous OS will not boot. Simply freezes computer when I insert them O.o. Also had some random crashes and I just wanna downgrade to 7 and be done with this so I can finally start using my new pc.

I enter a windows 7 64 bit ISO burned from a friend and again it just freezes the computer on load. So eventually I borrow my friends genuine windows 7 64 bit disc, and now when I try to load it gives the message "cannot install 32 bit version on ECF system" or something like that.

Would I have better luck downgrading to 8 and then trying to get 7? Or is there a fix for this? Why is 10 recognizing this genuine 64 bit disc as a 32 bit version??

A couple of things I see, one is whether the computer will have drivers for Win7 [probably not] and the other could be the type of DVD used for Win7 such as whether an R or an RW. I've found that RW discs are problematic in the booting realm. Another issue is a clean install is required when changing from 64-bit to 32-bit or 32-bit to 64-bit.

One thing you will have to do is turn of Secure Boot in the BIOS.

You cannot just downgrade to 7 without a new 7 licence.

I suspect your issue with windows 7 is related to new pc being a eufi based pc and you are trying to do a legacy bios install. Not sure why you would get an error message re. 32 bit though.

Just revert your pc to 8.1, install something like start 8 which pretty much makes pc look like windows 7. Alternatively clean install windows 10 and this will probably sort your issues.

Windows 7 does not always coexist happily with new pcs due to lack of drivers in some cases.

A Windows 7 DVD is not secure boot capable. If it is SP1, it would be UEFI capable but not Secure Boot, as alphanumeric mentions.

Thanks for the opinions guys. I find it a little hard to believe the thing about the pc not having the capability to downgrade to 7 though. Btw all OS I am speaking of are 64bit, no clue about the 32bit error message. And I am sorry but you are wrong about needing a windows key if we are talking about a pirated version, but as I said earlier I ALSO tried a genuine disc with a key and still get this message. So I am asking for some advice,

Do I wait it out and hope windows 10 updates will soon fix most of my problems?
Do I down to 8.1 and retry installing 7
Do I just look for specific fixes and tolerate 10 untill it gets better? (tedious)

what would yall do if you completely despise 8.1, but only 10% of your programs work on 10?

Or is there a fix for this? Why is 10 recognizing this genuine 64 bit disc as a 32 bit version??
First ... if you want to downgrade to Windows 7 you will have to do so by doing a clean install of Windows 7, which means you must boot the computer from a Windows 7 install disc or USB, which means that Windows 10 has absolutely nothing to do with the Windows 7 disc/USB being recognized as 32 bit or 64 bit. That would be purely a Windows 7 setup program issue.

Installing Windows 8 first will do nothing to help you install Windows 7.

10 not recogniziing win 7 disc