Hi everyone,
I've noticed that whenever I plug in a usb thub stick or hard drive Windows 10 (Build 9879) is automatically creating empty Videos, Music, Downloads etc folders everytime.
This is quite annoying, anyone know how to turn this off?
Weird. Doesn't do that here. Doubt if it's a 'feature' that can be turned on or off.
Sort of looks like it is creating a set of user files.
I watch with interest!!
Annoying. This could be bug or developers at Microsoft trying to come up with another glitches.
Not happening to any of mine either, are you sure they are generated by windows, not some MM programs ?
I've never heard of windows doing this. I agree with CountMike. Maybe a MM program is doing it.
What is a MM program?
MM = Multi Media, music, video etc.
Thanks. I tried looking but only got courses in Moderation Management, Master of Management etc.
I don't get these folders created either but I only have a few programs installed.
iTunes, Winamp, XMP ????
Nope. VLC is enough for me...