Hello windowssh blog,
I've recently upgraded to Windows 10, and for the most part love the experience (came from Win7, mostly for the new UI). However, I've been having some issues, specifically with Control Panel and the Start menu search (occasionally with File Explorer as well). When I open them, very rarely do they open immediately - there can be a 2-15 second delay when opening them, as well as when navigating through the menus (this primarily only affects Control Panel). I never had such issues when using Windows 7. And I have quite a powerful computer, so I don't think it's a problem there (specs below). All other programs are as zippy and fast as normal.
Has anybody else had this issue? I thought maybe this is something that would resolve itself over time with Windows updates, but its been over a month and a half since the official public release, and I'm still experiencing the issue... I'm pretty sure I have all my correct drivers and everything installed as well...
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you
CPU: Intel Core i7-4770k @ 3.5GHz
RAM: 16 GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 780
Storage medium: SSD RAID
Windows 10 Pro
Try this. Pay close attention to NVIDIA Shell Extension.
Right Click on Desktop take long time to show up - Windows 10 blog
Thanks for the prompt response! Doing this did make the right click menu on desktop instantly pop up instead of taking a few seconds (something I didn't even notice actually because I rarely use that), and the Start menu and search seem to be a lot more responsive. However, there is still a 2-4 second delay with opening Control Panel unfortunately (it is faster though than before). I don't know, maybe it just seems slow relative to other programs.
Also in reference to the extension disabling, if I found whichever one was slowing down the Start menu/desktop right click, what would I do? Just keep it disabled forever? Would that reduce functionality of the program, or would it not be noticeable? Thank you!
No, it does not affect the functionality of the program. It is faster to run the program by right click on the item. However, you can run the program from start menu/control panel. Personally, I removed quite a few extensions which I don't need or rarely use. For example, NVIDIA Control Panel. I seldom adjust anything from it and if needed I can open it from the Control Panel.if I found whichever one was slowing down the Start menu/desktop right click, what would I do? Just keep it disabled forever? Would that reduce functionality of the program, or would it not be noticeable?
PS.Yes, Your PC is quite powerful and If I were you, I would save my personal data to an external HD and do a fresh install of Windows 10. It should eliminate lots of unpredictable problems which carried over from Windows 7 and the size of Windows 10 would be quite a bit smaller.
I was planning on doing just that Thank you for your help with extensions!