This Problem has been happening since the Later Updates of Windows 10. (I remember when Windows 10 was first released, I had Zero problems with the OS, my PC was running fine. So, it confuses me, makes me think that it could be Windows 10, but it could also just be a problem with my PC System. Again, it could also possibly be Drivers. I need help please! Take Note: I am now using a Clean-Install of Windows 10, (Reboot) I no longer have anything on my PC, just the default Windows 10 files. I do have Java installed, a few games, and that's it. Nothing else, so what could be causing this problem? I HAVE NO IDEA!
Hello Windows10blog Community, I've really been having issues lately, as of Windows 10 installation. I've found that there are several problems occurring at once.
The real problem itself is to do with how Windows 10 & my PC are playing along together. My first thoughts were it must be Windows 10, right? Not so sure now.
After discovering that the BsoD (blue screens of death) are occuring with errors that are related to drivers (no doubt) I'm starting to think that it might be drivers.
But then after a conversation with my father, I've found that it could also be the PCU not living long enough due to my System Specs, it might not be working together.
The PCU could be outdated, not so much compatiable with my Graphics Card. I have no idea, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on solutions, on what it might be that's
causing these Windows 10 conflicts with my system. Here are other problems that occur:
(1) System doesn't load up all the time. So, I turn it off over night, come back to my PC & find that turning it on (or even getting to the actual desktop) is a real
MISSION. It takes forever, and I mean a good while to actually start functioning again. The OS loads up, my computer boots up, and it works! Like it loads the Windows 10
Loading screen, and BOOM! It resets my PC again. Restarting it seveal times by itself in order to fix itself? I don't know. But I do know that my screen goes black,
comes back on- boots up again. And then boots up, goes off again, boots up, goes off again. You see? There is a pattern here. Eventually, I can then load up onto the Desktop
Log-in, and presto, it works again!
(2) Not long after that I find that opening up 'FireFox' or doing anything on the first successful boot-up causes it to once again... turn itself off.
The PC shuts down automatically, rebooting again. Boots up, freezes on the loading Windows 10 screen, goes off, boots up, freezes on the recovery.
Goes off, boots up, and then finally the recovery works, I can use the recovery options. But the problem occurs again when I choose (Start-up Repair)
It says that its doing something, but really it's not. It just keeps spinning round and round, loading several times (not doing anything) SO, I restart my PC
& again, it works. It comes up with the Windows 10 loading screen but goes to another Windows 10 loading (spinning circle thing) u know what I mean.
And this second loading screen is laggy, like you can see it moving in a (laggy kind of way) like the FPS has dropped or something. Then it comes onto Login!
I Login, it works! I finally can use the PC again like before. It doesn't turn itself off when I'm on 'FireFox' it doesn't seem to break at all.
So, what is exactly going on with this PC? I have no idea. I really don't know.
If it helps: I am using Sapphire AMD Radeon HD Series (6600+) Something like that.
So, I have no idea what is actually causing the BsoDs, the computer to not boot up.
The computer to go into a boot-loop, I don't know anymore. I really, really, don't know!
And by the way! ~ What I'm using right now is Windows 10, a clean-install, and everything is wiped.
Like there is hardly anything on this PC, so I know for a fact it's not being caused by Softwares or whatever.
Unless it's the default softwares that run in the background that come with Windows 10.
I wish I knew what was causing my problem. I've read into it, and it could also be because I'm using Wireless Internet.
So, I turned off my Wireless Internet, now using Cable, so lets see if it works now for tomorrow.
I'll let you know the progress...
but in the meantime, please, please!
Please can you help me solve this problem!
I hate this PC because of all these issues.
It makes me think that my PC might be dying...
Which is weird, I've only had it for 3 years.
Oh, and it could also be the end of the PCU's lifetime.
- Thanks again,
- LukeJR
![[Failured-To-Boot-Up] BsoDs+Boot-Loop+AutoRestarts (Windows 10) [Failured-To-Boot-Up] BsoDs+Boot-Loop+AutoRestarts (Windows 10)](