Hi, I found my CPU being used to 50% by
rundll32.exe invagent,RunUpdate -noappraiser QwarAFRPWUiri4M6.4
which from Win 7/8 reports appears to be sthg to do with the Customer Experience Improvement Program.
Process Explorer seemed no help on this, and I've been running Win 10 for 2 or 3 weeks without this as far as I know, so am wondering if it's sthg introduced in a recent update.
As yet I don't know how to opt out if it's the CEIP as I've read about it.
After over an hour, it stopped running and CPU use returned to normal.
Has anyone else seen this - know how to stop it? Thanks!
This is a very first thing that I turn off after any Windows Installation (7/8/10).
- Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Task Scheduler
- Right click & disable 3 items as shown:
Many thanks! Done.
Never had to do that before- I guess I must have opted out.
Thanks @topgundcp, it's been driving me crazy since upgrading from Win8.1.
I can't opt in our out of CEIP (both choices are grayed out), presumably because I'm not signed into an MS account. Yet the damn thing is still spying on me?? So I'm basically opted in by default, but with no way to verify it or opt out. Nice MS.
Next we'll find that they'll auto-enable the tasks in a forced update, and if they don't change their ways it will be an eternal cat & mouse game or ugly hacks that sooner or later break something else. Going back to Win8.1 is starting to look better every day ...
Having the same issue (upgraded to Win10 about three weeks ago). Did as you suggested, but the process keep reappearing after restart. After stopping the process from the Task Manager it will come back after half an hour or so.
Checked the Task Scheduler setttings, the items are disabled as per your suggestion.
Any other things I could try?
The first thing I have done after W 10 installation, needless to say that it was an OFFLINE installation, once media creation tool downloaded the necessary files, internet was disconnected, because otherwise when you hit the W 10 Desktop screen Windows Update is already running and downloading, no thanks.
In my case, the Task Scheduler items stick to "disabled" but I have more items disabled, search in Task Scheduler for other CEIP tasks, you will have to search the folders one by one, and also under Update Orchestrator & Windows Update folders I had to disable a bunch of things, like Scheduled Windows Update at boot, sih, sih boot, Auto Update of Store apps and many diskcleanup and Windows Update temp file scheduled related tasks. WinSat is also disabled and many others.
Systems are running really smooth since initial installation.
Thanks! You've given me enough key words for further searching and I will certainly go and dig around in the Task Scheduler.
There is also an automatic trigger on the Consolidator task that needs to be manually disabled by bringing up the task properties, then editing the trigger enabled setting.
Did that:
last time active:
still have problem with it
any idea?