This is an intermittent problem, and never occurred with Windows 7. When I receive this error and reboot, my computer will usually not post. Repeatedly resetting the start button (about 50 to 100 times) will eventually allow the computer to boot, and all is well for a month or two. The computer fans usually work when it happens, but I get no power to the black monitor screen. Removing the battery to reset the bios does nothing.
No memory errors, and I tried using a different set of memory from a different manufacturer. I also tried replacing the motherboard and PSU, Disconnecting the drives and USB devices does nothing, nor does moving the memory to a different channel.
My system is a Gigabyte H97 motherboard with i5 Intel CPU. The CPU is the only thing I have not tried replacing.
Windows 10 was a clean install, and I do not have any errors using the sfc /scannow command. Virus and malware scans do not find anything.
Your problem is one isolated case so I would not put a blame on Windows 10. One of the followings might be the problem:
- BIOS is corrupted. Check if you have an update version or re-flash the BIOS.
- Cable connecting from MB to HD might be loose. Try another cable.
- Download and run to make sure that your HD is in good health.
The drives are healthy, and I reseated the cables several times. The BIOS was upgraded, and all drivers have been updated.
I do not think its all Windows 10 fault, but an interaction between the OS and some piece of hardware. Again, I ran the same computer for about 8 months with Windows 7 and it never crashed.
Turned out to be a BIOS Virus that infected my Gigabyte motherboard. If you flashed the BIOS, but then booted with the same hard drive, it would reinfect the BIOS.
What I did -> flashed BIOS from USB using MB Q-Flash utility. Installed a different HDD and reinstalled OS = everything works fine. However, when I tried to put the original HDD back into the box as a 2nd or 3rd drive (to get to data), the error immediately returned and I did a non-graceful shutdown (pull the plug) before the reboot. Remove the infected drive and all is OK again. I verified this with 2 different Gigabyte MBs (H87 and Z97).
If I place the infected HDD into a Win 10 Dell as the 2nd drive there is no problem. Will get data off from that machine, low-level the drive, and see if then it can go back into Gigabyte machine.
Hope this helps you ... I spent the better part of 4 days figuring this one out