I have a external hdd which is connected to a tplink modem via usb. Currently can assess the hdd through the lan after I assigned the drive in "my computer'. My question is how do I get the address for the hdd using normal browser? (eg: trying to connect to the usb external using my windows phone - edge browser OR just connecting to the usb external using chrome on windows 10 computer)
Typing into the browser will only link to my modem.
Sorry if this question is very noob, I'm pretty bad with networking.
Sys: windows 10 connected to the router via a cat5, modem = tp-link 8980, storage setting enabled.
Your modem has to include the software in the modem's firmware to provide a HTML interface. This is the setup on the Netgear R7000 Nighthawk router:
When I access the webpage produced by the router this is what I get:
And it's funny, I could have sworn I had a 64GB flash drive around here somewhere that I have been looking for for weeks now. I just found it! It's plugged into my router!
I have 2 NAS drives attached to my Router and use File Explorer to Map them, only have to do it once unless I disconnect them. Nice thing is I can Map the drives or Folders on them to gain read/write from Windows, Mac OS X and Linux computers, both Wired and Wireless/Wi-Fi. My Router has 2 USB 2.0 ports but no Card Reader. The NAS drives have a USB 3.0 each. The drives show up in File Explorer's Network along with other computers. The NAS drive lettering by default begins with Z: and works back up the alphabet, mine are Z: and Y:.
It looks like the OP has already done that:Perseides is asking how to access the connected HDD through a web browser.
The problem is I'm not sure what the address is been set by the router.
However, when i type in , i get an error 403 forbidden.
Yeah, you can't use, the last number has to be something different, mine are and The only thing I can offer is that I've had trouble getting TP-Link and Belken Routers properly set up.
The problem is that your modem/router does not have a web interface server built in to it for the USB storage device. The best you can hope for is to set up the FTP server and access it from the FTP client of your browser, FTP:\