
How to disable "Automatic maintenance"?

The Windows 8.1 method is not working...

I cannot find "Idle Maintenance" under TaskScheduler anymore!!!

No, I don't think you can disable automatic maintenance in Windows 10 any more .

However, as you are asking about SSDs here I'm guessing it's the automatic optimisation that you want to turn off. That you can do.

Start the 'Defragment and Optimize Drives' app and click the 'Change settings' button.

Automatic Maintenance - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

Run CMD as admin and copy/paste:

reg add "HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleMaintenance" /v "MaintenanceDisabled" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f

Automatic Maintenance - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

Run CMD as admin and copy/paste:

reg add "HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleMaintenance" /v "MaintenanceDisabled" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
So the solution in the tuturial section is still valid even for UA.

Please, I don't bore you too much, what I lose by disabling it? I am really afraid that next time I will leave the PC alone it will block but also I want to be aware about what kind of care I am losing.

Thank you

Please, I don't bore you too much, what I lose by disabling it? I am really afraid that next time I will leave the PC alone it will block but also I want to be aware about what kind of care I am losing.
I can not think of anything really. All maintenance tasks like defrag, disk cleanup or component cleanup have their own tasks. I think the only difference is, that the system maintenance can not be stopped, but those separate tasks run only, when the computer is idle.

I dont want tools to run when idle.
I dont know what of that make my pc stuck with tiworker.exe

I dont want tools to run when idle.
Then you would have to disable all of them, there about 50 tasks running by default.

I dont know what of that make my pc stuck with tiworker.exe
That process is running, when Windows is working with system files, usually Windows Update, component cleanup, etc.

The one that activates (actually, a group) after exactly 4 minutes of idle time is the one that most drives me crazy, since absolutely nothing could be that important.

I tried hunting it down once using TaskSchedulerView, which is the only sanity-preserving way of trying to figure out Microsoft's myriad tasks, and I gave up when I had gotten up to disabling around 10 that were activating upon idle. There was always one more.

How to disable