
Sluggish System at Times

Hi All

System Sluggish while gaming off and, and sometimes during other tasks, I custom set my pagefile, should I have not done that? Avast antivirus was in use, til it used so much memory it seemed, that I have to remove it, as was approaching 90-95 percent, Should I take the time sometime and restore my system image if I figure out how to, and really only install programs I use, and in General keep it nice and lean, and keep Page file system managed, and pick 1 Antivirus to stay with, lately been switching from Avast back to Defender back to Avast, back to Defender, have run SFC /scannow, no violations found.

(I know I'm not so smart on performance issues or picking programs to use, but maybe getting better than I used to be lol)

If I wanna stay with Avast, is putting it back on one more time ok, and leaving it, and just dealing with the high memory usage if continues, setting page file back to System managed as well

Hi AMDMan2016,

I would suggest to let Windows configure the system file.

It would be best, IMO, to stick with Windows Defender for a while at least until the problem is resolved.

Please open task manager, make 2 screenshots and post these screenshots.
1 of the performance tab where the memory usage is shown
1 of the processes tab filtered on the memory usage (click on the tab to filter)

Ok Well already reconfigured Avast prior to your reply, Here is Task Manager after system restart, I usually let System sleep at night, and wake up soon as I wake up, or remote into it during night if I need to do any tasks

Page File set back to System managed

*Opens my normal programs, and gets second task manager screenshot shortly here**

Normal progams ran are as follows

Windows 10 Skype Preview
Windows 10 Mail app
Firestorm 3rd party viewer for Secondlife (64bit edition)
Microsoft Edge
Groove Music player at times

Memory hog might be Firestorm, can't say for sure as yet though, but if it's manageable, i'll be happy, and as long as system performance is still good, then excellent, Reason why I keep going back to Avast I think is cause of all the other household PC's use it, so I feel unsafe at times when I use Defender, maybe i'm just crazy lol

Task manager processes isn't filtered on 'Memory'.

It is most useful if you make the screenshots when the problem occurs, that makes it more easy for us to find any possible causes.

Will Do that then when the problem occurs, will make the screen shot at that time with it flitered on the memory, unless doesn't happen now since I set Page file to System Managed, but will keep eye on it

never set a custom pagefile always let windows manage it , some programs ask for huge chunks of pagefile just incase they will need it , windows then sets that aside , if its not available it will use your physical ram.

Yeah learned that wasn't such a good idea now, memory use is holding great so far, a lot less sluggish as well, still keeping eye on it, and if need be will post task manager screenshot when problem is occurring, but so far it's running great with my preferred programs in, running, and such.

Highest Ram usage got so far was 88 percent, but then dropped back down for some reason, overall though seems to be performing better with page file system managed, and yes I already know Avast service uses 21.5mbs even when it's idle and not really performing a scan

Sluggish System at Times