
Removing Quick access from the Navigation

How do you remove Quick access from the left side of your folders when you have the navigation enabled? I can remove all of the icons under it just fine, but I cannot remove Quick access as a whole.

Try this: How to Disable Default in Windows 10 File Explorer? - AskVG
Option no.2

Try this: How to Disable Default in Windows 10 File Explorer? - AskVG
Option no.2

Maybe I did something wrong, but I think I followed that guide perfectly. It didn't remove Quick access.

Yes, that's the only info I get for partial hiding. Try to right click on it and see if it has option to hide it (I was trying something similar in Insider builds).

If not, look at some Administrative Settings --> Windows Explorer in gpedit.msc

Hello NoDex,

The tutorial below may be able to help.

Quick access in Navigation Pane - Add or Remove in Windows 10

Hello NoDex,

The tutorial below may be able to help.

Quick access in Navigation Pane - Add or Remove in Windows 10
OK. So if I understand this guide correctly, I need to gain control over some files first? Is there a way to gain control over the whole system so if I ever have to do it again, I don't have to do this in the future? Is there a .reg I can do to execute that? Then is there a .reg for removal as well?

No need to do the whole system. Once you do the steps 4 and 5 in the tutorial the first time, you won't have to do it again to be able to make changes later.

There's not a .reg file to do this for you since you have to do steps 4 and 5 first.

It's pretty easy to do if you go step by step in the tutorial. Please feel free to post any questions you may have about it though.

Steps 4 and 5 are way to complicated for something this small!

Unfortunately, they are required steps. Without doing them, you will not be able to change the registry value.

If you don't want to use Quick access, and don't want to do the steps above, then you could do the tutorial below as a workaround instead to have File Explorer open to This PC instead of Quick access.

File Explorer - Open to 'This PC' or 'Quick access'

Found a solutions that is 10x easier. You may add it to the guides!

So you download this: RegOwnershipEx

Point and shoot it at the key that needs to be given ownership of and you can do it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


However, I think you only need to use the top one. I am not sure what the bottom one does. Maybe someone else does?

Windows 10 Tweaks Fixes - Page 51

Removing Quick access from the Navigation