I have a 64-bit laptop running Win 10 Home.
I just notice in All apps, there is an entry of PowerShell and PowerShell (x86).
I realize the former is for 64-bit and the latter is for 32-bit.
Question :
In my 64-bit laptop, when I open PowerShell, which one am I actually using ?
example : If I go ...........
Elevated command prompt > Powershell
Which one will that be ? 32 or 64 ?
Assuming I can use both, is there a circumstance that I must use the 64-bit PowerShell ?
Mad With PowerShell: 64-bit vs 32-bit PowerShell
It is pretty much the same with Visual C++, users have to have both and apps will choose needed.
Power shell x64 on top (Title) bar says only Power shell while Power shell x86 it says "Power shell(x86)" .
No idea to whom you were addressing .
If it was meant for me, you lost me.
PowerShell is meant for 64-bit and PowerShell (x86) is for 32-bit..................... I gather that, post #1.
Yes you are right it was answer to your post and info for others. And yes x86 always meant it's a 32bit, program, APP, driver, OS, CPU etc.
........................ and apps will choose needed ..........................
That does not seem to answer my question.
My question is : if I open Elevated Command prompt > then type powershell > which powershell will be on the command prompt screen ?
Open either one of them.
If in title bar you see "Power Shell", it's 64 bit. If you see "Power shell(x86)", it's 32 bit version. No matter where you start it from, it shows like that.
If you substitute "Command prompt" in the Start right click menu with "Power shell", on a 64bit windows it will be 64bit version and in 32bit windows it will be 32bit (x86).
Thank you.